Missing pink Fijit...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by 2not2, Nov 23, 2011.

  1. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    Will whoever in Benson that received a package from Target yesterday that was SUPPOSEDLY delivered to MY house, please return it to the post office ASAP? My little girl really is looking forward to getting her Fijit Friend for Christmas.

    Oh, and to the the lady at the Post Office who told me there's nothing you can do...we'll see about that! :twisted:
    Thank you...that is all.:
  2. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I would dispute it through Target and your credit card if you don't get it. Was it just left in a priority box, or did it have to be signed for?

  3. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    I am starting to question the USPS here lately. I took a package to the "post office" on the backside of Food Lion at 42 a few weeks ago and they weighed it and put postage on it. Two weeks later I get the package back in the mail saying it needed .43 more postage. I bought a .44 stamp and DREW A LINE from the sticker to the stamp and mailed it again. 3 days later the package arrived back in my mailbox.

    Then today I received an orange label saying that I have a certified letter at the post office . . . in the space that says today's date they wrote 11/30.

  4. 2not2

    2not2 Well-Known Member

    The really stupid part is that the package was being carried by UPS to begin with and once it reached Goldsboro, they switched it to USPS. After that, who knows what happened to it. Supposedly my carrier says he put the package in my mailbox. Well, guess what? It wouldn't fit in my mailbox and I can prove it; I ordered the exact same item (in a different color) and had it sent to my in-laws (so I could use 2 coupons). THAT package arrived and trust me, the box WILL NOT fit in the mailbox!

    I have filed a claim with USPS and guess my next step is with Target...

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