mob beating

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Twitch, Jun 21, 2007.

  1. Twitch

    Twitch Well-Known Member

    I heard something about a mob beating on the news last night does any one have any details???

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2007
  2. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    yeah in Austin,Tx
    Cnn recap
    Driver hit child; group of men attacked him when he stopped to check on kid
    • Passenger got out of car to help; was beaten to death by the angry crowd
    • Sister found David Morales, 40, on pavement 100 feet from her townhouse
    • Thousands of people were in the area for a Juneteenth celebration, police said
  3. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Well-Known Member

    Last edited: Jun 21, 2007
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Absolutely senseless. The little kid that was hit was carried to the hospital with non-life threatening injuries and 20 men beat a passenger to death from that car that was doing nothing more than trying to keep the peace. Mobs can so quickly become like packs of wild animals.
  5. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I seen it on tv yesterday it was sad. Thats what happens when people try and take the law into their own hands. Its sick that nobody stopped this .I heard the child was ok but how about the driver?
  6. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

  7. magnolia

    magnolia Well-Known Member

    What you see at the link below will sicken you.

    At :16, look at the black car. The people swarm it, and one guy jumps on the back windshield, breaking it. The driver was so terrified, he/she drove into the car in front of him/her, trying to get away.

    Watch around 1:52 as an older woman in a gold car gets out of her car to tell one man to leave her and her vehicle alone. The man then comes after her again, kicking her car, and she speeds off to get out of there.

    At 2:49, watch the red car. Once again, they swarm the car. They pull the driver from the car and beat him. Then the riot police show up.

    These three drivers above were doing nothing other than driving through traffic AFTER the event.

    Here's the news story on it.

    Now read this...unbelieveable....
    Police, Officials Insist Attacks on Drivers Not Related to Juneteenth Celebrations,2933,285426,00.html

    What in God's name is the matter with these people?!?!
  8. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    There were enough blacks there to make a Tarzan movie,maybe two movies:lol: That was a South African StreetSweeper moment if I've ever seen one
    j/j oai
  9. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Ever wonder about people who think they can make obnoxious, racist, and/or hurtful statements and then believe putting "just kidding" afterwards makes it ok?
  10. Clif

    Clif Guest

    Yep, something along those lines.
  11. froggerplus

    froggerplus Well-Known Member


    nevermind. Just tired of the segregated celebrations.

  12. WillSpanker

    WillSpanker Well-Known Member

    clif wrote
    Nope,sure don't:lol:
  13. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    Thats funny lol

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