Moms need credentials in CA to homeschool!!

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by ljk, Mar 8, 2008.

  1. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I don't homeschool, but have gone back and forth about wanting to. I have a friend who does in CA and now no longer can??? It is all her children know. How long before the laws change here?
  2. shawk22

    shawk22 Well-Known Member

    Unfortunately, some people use the homeschool umbrella to foster their abusive tendencies. The ruling is a crock!
  3. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    Why shouldn't people need credentials? I know everyone will say, "it's my kid and I can do what I want with him," but it's only fair to receive a fair and quality education. If the parent is stupid, is that a fair and quality education? No offense to the homeschool Moms on here, but would you really homeschool your child if you felt you weren't knowledgeable enough? I say the laws need to be stricter all around.
  4. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    I think you should need something like a four year degree of any kind. Not necessarily in teaching, but you are right, some proof of intelligence. (IQ test??) :lol::lol:
  5. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Don't homeschooled children have to pass some state tests, to show they are learning the subject matter? If the children are learning, the parents must be teaching adequately.
  6. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    I'd have to agree with Loriana on this one. I don't homeschool, and never would, for many reasons. One being I don't think I'm qualified. I have a hard enough time helping with homework! And I graduated high school, and 2 years of college with a 3.7 GPA. I'm not trying to be negative, but my child's education is too important for me to be messing it up!
  7. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    But might it not be too late then? How about prior to Homeschooling the "teacher" needs to pass a test to show they have an adequate grasp of the knowledge".

    I hold a number of accreditations/certifications that I must pass prior to executing the work; although they would love a 4 year degree, if you have the knowledge it is not required.
  8. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Good points. I think the majority of parents who choose to homeschool take it very seriously and do a good job. On the other hand, I don't doubt there are some who claim to be homeschooling just to avoid truancy charges, and without some kind of regulation, that number could be much higher.
  9. peaches

    peaches Well-Known Member

    I am not speaking from experience, but observation. My SIL homeschools my niece, and I have 2 close friends who homeschool. All of these children are miles ahead academically of kids they are friends with who go to regular school (proven by testing). None of these mothers have degrees, but they are deadly serious about teaching their children.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    I agree, I talked to Frugal about her homeschooling and was very impressed, and I think her children are going to have a great leg up in life. Unfortunately I also saw a few, where they thought the were doing a great job, but I am afraid for the children's future.
  11. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Funny how the literacy rates have fallen in this country as the spending on public education has risen. Of course the public education lobby is going to demand that only licensed educators are allowed. Perhaps one day they will tell us what to wear as well!
  12. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    They do have the pass a test, but it is the parents' choice as to what test to take. Therefore, they are not necessarily challenging.
    I have gotten students in my classroom over the years who were formerly homeschooled. Some were WAY above my students and some were WAY behind. There are some great parents who homeschool, but I just think all parents need to be checked up on a little more. If you need a license to fish, you should need a license to teach.
  13. Animal lover

    Animal lover Well-Known Member

    Could you post a link for your statement please?

    And are you talking about reading literacy? Because, I have read that science literacy in the US is sorely lacking.
  14. reeteach2

    reeteach2 Well-Known Member

    The parents have a choice between tests that meet NC guidelines. They can't choose any test they want. It also has to be a standardized test. The tests chosen most often are very well known tests given in many public schools.
  15. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I'm very new to homeschooling. But all I can say is WOW, what a difference it has made w/ my middle schoolers. The poor grammar is not here any more, the sassiness, etc. It's gone! And the stuff I found out that they didn't know was apalling. I was really upset I hadn't pulled them out earlier. They could not even tell me where we lived in relation to world maps. Not kidding folks. Now, they know their continents, a good chunk of the countries in each continent, the oceans and seas, etc. We've also been doing US history. They knew NOTHING before. I mean NOTHING. They could not tell me who the first president was or anything basic as relation to who settled America. We are enjoying learning new things together.

    I do have a 4 year degree but am not a teacher. I never thought I could ever homeschool. I'm still learning as I go for sure. I do know now why they struggled at home w/ homework though. They were not being taught appropriately at school. I accepted their grades as "proof" that they were actually learning. I was wrong. A's & B's do not necessarily mean your children are gaining knowledge. It was obvious in their case.

    I know all folks have different opinions on homeschooling. Shoot, I used to think people who homeschooled were nuts--LOL. Now, I'm one of them. I have some cirriculums I've started to use though do many hands on things for teaching. It's a great opportunity I feel. Will I do this through high I think we'll just homeschool during middleschool. I do feel it should be a family's choice though and not demanded by the state whether you do or not. I do know we ahve to submit tests. I 'm still learning so can't give you all the details. I do know you have to test them w/in a year of pulling htem out to homeschool. I want to do that towards the year mark b/c I can't wait to see the difference in scores.

    Most the people I've met who homeschool do put alot of effort into it. We did take about two weeks to "decompress' before we started to dig in. I save their work but not all of it. That would be impossible. I give them a spelling test each week. They have the same subjects they had at school. I feel we are on the right track. If I ever felt I was lacking in being able to teach them, I would honestly put them back in school. And that is actually one of the first questions I asked when I pulled them out. What if I'm not successful at this, will you welcome them back? Answer was yes. So I felt I had to try for their educational future.

    I know I am not the best teacher in the world. But I feel I am the best for now for MY kids. It's what they need. My kids have had some great, great teachers over the years. However, they also had some horrifying ones. I mean really, do you think a teacher at public school should ridicule and make fun of her students? How is that helping them learn?

    Just wanted to say I hope everyone gets a choice whether to homeschool or not. It's not for everyone but I do think everyone should have the ability if they want to.

    Have a great weekend.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  16. NadiaP

    NadiaP Well-Known Member

    You are my hero! I, too, have thought about home schooling but am too chicken to try. My son did terribly in traditional school, always behind, always struggling, etc. Not enough one on one from teachers. On the other hand, daughter was always way ahead in school and everything came so easily for her. Always got straight A's. I didnt realize she was bored out of her skull util she told me she wasnt learning anything. I said "What do you mean, not learning anything? You get straight A's." She said, "its easy to get A's, when we dont DO anything. I'd rather get C's and be learning something." That was a lightbulb moment. Theyre in private school now.
    You're kiddos are receiving an amazing gift from you:mrgreen:
  17. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Here is one for you, but I do not remember some of the others. The literacy rates in the United States were higher when people used the Bible to teach reading. Is it any coincidence that the US census stopped asking the literacy question for many years.

    The American Educational system is fundamentally broken and need to be changed. Here is another good read to understand the methods and reasons why it continues to happen.
  18. Pirate96

    Pirate96 Guest

    Congratulations and best wishes. There is no one more qualified to teach your children than their parents. We should never leave that to someone else. Hopefully we will continue to have the freedom to choose.
  19. ncmom

    ncmom Well-Known Member

    Sign the petition at
  20. Loriana

    Loriana Well-Known Member

    You sound like you're doing it right, and it sounds like it's working.

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