This is some serious craziness. They should pin a medal on this guy. One less robber/murderer we have to worry about.
Something is "off" about the whole thing to me. I think there must be more to the story than what is being reported, but that's just my opinion.
I dont think it was enough, The robber should have never made it to the hospital alive. I'm going to assume there were witnesses or the article would have stated Moretti claimed "he tried to stab his wife". One thing is wierd tho... It stated Moretti fired 2 warning shots, then ran him over. With gas being $3 a gallon, and bullets under a buck, I'd have opted to save myself the $$$ and put the 2 "warning shots" in him. If citizens take matters into their own hands like this instead of letting the justice system persacute the victims. Criminals will be ALOT less likely to commit acts of violence. You can be a victim, or handle business yourself. The cops (God bless them) wont be there quick enough to save you, and the court system (if it makes it that far) will let them go free to commit more violent crimes against your neighbors.
Sad, but true. However, once every few years, there are beacons of hope through the clouded muddle of bureaucracy.....
I think a whole bunch of nut-jobs and scumbags would be done way with if Marshall Law was enacted for a month or two. "not his fault" says the father of a robber. pffft :nopity: