Morning wreck business 70 at Greenfield Pkwy

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by INTHEBUFF, Aug 17, 2015.


    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    This was a very bad wreck caused by speeding this morning on 70-business. People going way too fast, 65 or more in a 55 zone. riding the bumper of the car in front of you never ends well and lets remember that the speed limit goes to 45 after the I40 interchange on business 70. I haven't taken I40 to work in years for the most part because of the crazy drivers and have noticed some of those crazies have now started using business 70 as an alternate route to get to work in the morning. News flash, it's a 45 zone and a business zone through Garner, not an interstate, so if you idiots coming from Clayton etc. feel the need for speed stay on I40 because riding my bumper in a 45 mph business zone when I'm going between 5 mph above it already will not make me go any faster, it might though make me slow down to the exact speed of 45 mph just to irritate you. Let's try to be respectful to those around you when you're driving on the roads because life is too precious to waste because you didn't set your alarm clock early enough to get to work on time or whatever your reasons in the morning might be to excessively speed and weave in and out of traffic like a crazy fool, etc. Oh, and get off that stupid cell phone while you're driving as well.
    poppin cork likes this.
  2. roygolf

    roygolf Well-Known Member

  3. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Is there bumper to bumper traffic on 40 west between 309 and 306 due to the accident on 70?
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2015
  4. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Let me go outside and look
  5. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Not according to the Googles

  6. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    Waze is reporting about the same.

  7. Emma Caroline

    Emma Caroline Well-Known Member

    What makes you say the wreck was from speeding? I have seen nothing that indicates that. From what I have seen a sedan had a flat tire and stopped in the passing lane and was on her cell phone--not on the shoulder. The moving truck moved into the left lane to pass another vehicle and did not realize the sedan was sitting still in the lane and the truck ran into her. The truck may have been speeding but from what I have seen the accident was caused but the lady with the flat tire not getting off of the road.
    jesse82nc likes this.
  8. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member weren't there, you didn't see what happened, yet you ASSume it was either speeding or cell phones that caused it from some "idiot from Clayton". Alrighty then. I have to say, some of the most atrocious aggressive driving I have ever seen has been in the 40/42 area, so lets try not stick it all on Clayton. BTW, can I have the next set of lottery numbers please since you seem to have a crystal ball?
    tassy likes this.
  9. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    And just for my 2 cents. Speeding is not the cause of very many accidents (about 8% in the US per a NHTSA study, and that includes going too fast when the weather does not allow for it - ie you should slow down when it is raining or snowing). I could do 160 mph on US 70 and I would not crash (but I have years and years of practice racing cars and motorcycles on closed tracks). It's typically something else that causes the accident. Wildlife, distracted driving, mechanical problems (fairly rare nowadays, but it happens), drivers not keeping right/driving slow in the left lane, weather, etc. That is not to say that speeding can not make an accident much worse than it would have been if all drivers did the speed limit.
  10. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    It probably was one of those 42 easterners. They can't drive
  11. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Speed DIFFERENTIAL is usually the problem behind an accident .... a car going much faster or slower than the rest is often more of a danger than a car travelling at a higher speed by itself. (Not that travelling at a higher rate of speed cannot be a cause too)
    jesse82nc likes this.
  12. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Back when I drove muscle cars, was young, and invincible, I had occasion to do a little road racing in the mountains late in the evening. The best speed I posted was 135 mph on a two lane mountain road in by "Q" code Mach 1. My 350 Kawasaki only hit 111 mph on the same stretch, but that was the listed top end for it. The Kaw blew the rear tire not long after that. I was passing a semi at 80+ when it turned into a bronco on me. That was an "E" ticket ride for sure. I slowed down after that .... for a while.
  13. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    I'd used to get my ZX-6R up to about 175 on the back straight at VIR a few years back when I used to race there. :)
    Wayne Stollings likes this.
  14. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    Yes, the facts *appear* to be that the car was stopped in the TRAVEL lane (again, according to wral). If that is the case, it's a case of "she should have been taught better" than "speeding out of control." I am NOT saying that's what it was, but the *initia;* reports appear to indicate that. I'll keep my mouth shut until more news comes out, but FFS, if your car is disabled in the middle of a highway, coast it off the road and GET OUT!
  15. lawnboy

    lawnboy Well-Known Member

    If you knew how many triple-digit excursions I've had in all my years and never a single at-fault accident, you'd really believe that stat.

    Wayne, I remember one great day in the mid-90s racing down Mountain 421 coming out of Boone in a brand-new M3 (thanks mom's BF) at 135, being tailed at equivalent speed by a convoy of 3 C4 and C5 Corvettes. Bright sunshine, mountain air with the sunroof open. Yeah baby!

    /offtopic aside
  16. Wayne Stollings

    Wayne Stollings Well-Known Member

    Yep, one trip to that area I was taking our Explorer over the mountain between Valle Crucis and Banner Elk with a Mercedes trying to keep up with me. I took one of the sharp right turns and met a highway patrol cruiser. He hit the lights as I got out of sight around the curve and my wife started asking what that little trip was going to cost me. I took the next turn putting me on the opposite side of the mountain so I could see the turn we just made and there was the trooper with the Mercedes in front of him looking for a spot to pull over. She would never let me take her Miata there for some reason. Every year it was like I had never left the mountains. I loved taking the turns and keeping up with the locals on the backroads.
  17. HidesinOBX

    HidesinOBX Well-Known Member

    At any rate, a woman.died, others were injured. Prayers to those who were affected. Drive defensively.
    Wayne Stollings likes this.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    My neighbour was a witness and her account was most everyone was speeding per usual in that area, she was going 60 and her report was it was like she was sitting still compared to the speed of other drivers, weaving in and out, she had just gone by the lady and her first thoughts were how dangerous it was for the car to be in that spot with all the crazy drivers changing lanes and the excessive speed along with the typical morning commute. Let me make myself very clear here. I don't give a flying fart for your opinion or anybody else on this board. I drive more
    Take a good look at the carnage and ask yourself if speed wasn't one factor. Use your imagination as to where you can shove the crystal ball and don't forget the Vasoline.
    poppin cork likes this.
  19. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    As a witness to a "fatality" accident, has your neighbor contacted SHP?
    My experience in this area at this time of day is that major traffic is headed westbound. This disabled vehicle was sitting in "eastbound" lanes. But I am confident SHP would appreciate witnesses in a fatal accident.
    A "box truck" sits high off the ground. Driver should be able to see over vehicle traffic in front of him unless he is behind a larger truck like a 18 wheeler.
    In any event my prayers go out to all involved, especially the family of the lady killed in the accident.
  20. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Well, aren't you a PEACH. Again, hearsay. I don't give a flying fart what YOUR opinion or anyone else's is either. You weren't there. End of story. And I wouldn't be so sure to decide you "drive more" than anyone else on here either. I commute to Raleigh every day, except I have to take 540, I see more morons than I can shake a stick at. You are probably the idiot in the far left lane doing 10 MPH under the limit on a clear day if I had to take a guess.
    poppin cork likes this.

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