There's just barely over two weeks till Cristmas, and there's hardly any Christmas threads, so here's one... What is the "most wrong" Christmas present you ever got? You know, the one that embarassed you to the point of leaving the room just by opening it? (well, maybe not that bad) While y'all are posting, I'll be thinking of which one mine was.
Wow, I don't think I've ever been embarrassed by a Christmas gift! I guess I haven't really lived then, have I? I've gotten some bad gifts, but never a "bad" gift!
Ok, here goes... In my younger days, I had some high school friends join our family for Christmas one year. During the gift exchange, in front of my parents and my sibs, the present from my closest friend was a hookah. While most of my sibs smiled in recognition, my parents (thankfully) didn't know what it was, but did ask. My quick mind formed the explanation that we had been reading "Alice in Wonderland" and it was the pipe used by the caterpillar.
We play secret santa every year and last year the gift that I chose was a cup with a lid on it... When I opened it, a huge you-know-what flew out and landed in my grandmothers lap. I laughed so hard I peed my pants! :lol:
Have mercy. It would take all of us 4042'ers to find the thing once I put it on! It's not sexy to wear a thong with a bunch of fat meat hanging out of it from every possible side. Hell, I put it on once and looked in the mirror and couldn't even see the darn thing.
I can't think of one I have gotten but one year we gave my super uptight mother in law one of those phones that farts instead of rings.
I think I'll sell advertising space on my butt this summer when I go to the beach. Anybody wanna have first pick of their ad placement?!~
NOT to offend any of you smaller ladies who wear thongs but I just have to say that there is NO WAY you can wear one of those things all day and it not stink to the hills when you take it off. It just cannot be done.
well personally, I don't know many folks who sniff their undies/thongs/tighty whiteys when they take them off at the end of each day.
After rubbing up against your crack all day you wouldn't have to sniff them. They would probably sniff you!