MOTHERS Act Seeks to Drug Expectant Mothers

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Chimp, Mar 10, 2008.

  1. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    NaturalNews. com printable article
    Originally published March 6 2008
    MOTHERS Act Seeks to Drug Expectant Mothers with Antidepressants to
    "Treat" Postpartum Depression
    by Mike Adams

    (NaturalNews) A new law being considered in the U.S. Congress would
    attempt to prevent postpartum depression in new moms by drugging them
    with SSRI antidepressant drugs while they're still pregnant. This
    legislation is being aggressively pushed by pro-pharma front groups in
    an effort to expand the customer base for SSRI drugs by targeting
    pregnant women as new "customers" for the chemicals. It's an example
    of the latest insanity from Big Pharma, whose drugs are already
    killing over 100,000 Americans each year while inciting violence and
    suicides in teens. Every single shooting massacre we've seen in the
    last ten years has been carried out by a person taking SSRI
    antidepressant drugs. The mainstream media pays no attention to this
    link, and the FDA ignores the reports in order to keep these drugs on
    the market.

    SSRI drugs have never been approved for use on newborns, yet this new
    MOTHERS Act will effectively drug unborn babies and newborns with
    drugs like Prozac. This will certainly have an impact on their
    developing brains, and the bulk of the research available today shows
    that the impact will be negative. Will these children be more prone to
    violent thoughts and behavior? Will they contemplate suicide at
    younger ages? And what will be the impact of the drugs on the mother?

    For one mother who was drugged with antidepressants -- Amy Philo --
    the drugs caused her to experience thoughts of violence against her
    own newborn babies. After taking antidepressants prescribed by her
    doctor, she had visions of killing them (and herself). Upon returning
    to her doctor, Amy was told to increase the dosage! Eventually, Amy
    realized the drugs were wrecking her own brain chemistry, and she
    stopped taking the pills entirely, causing the thoughts of violence
    and suicide to subside.

    Now, Amy is leading a campaign to stop the MOTHERS Act. She's posted a
    heart-wrenching 5-minute video on YouTube that tells her story (with
    pictures of her babies, too!):
    http://youtube. com/watch? v=LQW23XCmOCw

    A local news station also covered her story, and that report can be
    viewed here:
    http://youtube. com/watch? v=W4B8I_8wz6I

    An article explaining more about the effort to stop the MOTHERS Act is
    found here:
    http://birthfriend. wordpress. com/2008/ 0...

    As you'll learn from these videos and articles, the real purpose of
    the MOTHERS Act is to drug the mothers. Thus, it should really be
    called the Drug the MOTHERS Act! It's being pushed by drug companies,
    of course, and backed by psychiatrists and corrupt government
    officials who have close ties to the pharmaceutical industry. The
    whole point of this act is not to protect mothers from depression, but
    to recruit mothers as patients and, by doing so, also expose newborns
    to psychiatric drugs that will destroy their normal brain function and
    turn them into lifelong customers requiring ongoing chemical treatment.

    We must stop the MOTHERS Act. It is a dangerous law created for
    marketing purposes, not medical purposes. Treating pregnant women with
    antidepressant drugs (and thereby exposing their unborn babies to
    those drugs) is one of the most outrageous pro-pharma ideas to come
    along in many years. It's not enough to drug the teenagers and
    children with these dangerous pharmaceuticals, now Big Pharma wants to
    start drugging children before they're even born!

    If this law is passed and implemented, I fear for the future of our
    babies. Imbalanced by these dangerous pharmaceuticals, mothers are
    likely to commit acts of extreme violence against their children. Then
    they will be thrown into the prison system, of course, where they will
    be drugged with yet more psychiatric drugs (generating yet more
    profits for Big Pharma). Their children, meanwhile, will be taken away
    by Child Protective Services and treated with psychiatric drugs under
    the care of a "psychiatric doctors" who, of course, will poison that
    child's brain with a never-ending regimen of Big Pharma's chemicals.
    Do you see the scam here? By "screening" pregnant women for
    depression, they can create TWO new patients for psychiatric drugs,
    even though a family is destroyed in the process.
    This is precisely the aim of Big Pharma: Sell more drugs, create more
    markets, and earn more profits regardless of the cost in human
    suffering. Big Pharma has zero concern for families and zero
    compassion for human beings. It only seeks to poison the minds of the
    people through television advertising and psychiatric drugs, all while
    maximizing its own profits.

    http://www.thepetit 1/stop-t. ..
  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    do you have a link to this off hand? (Yes I know I can look it up but too lazy....)
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    OP, did you get that in an email or what?? I just did a quick Google search and see NOTHING about mother's being forced to take drugs. What I do see is legislation to make health care providers SCREEN for PPD. I don't have a problem with mother's being screened for PPD. I'd like to see what you have to back up the claim that mother's would somehow be forced to take SSRI's.
  4. KDsGrandma

    KDsGrandma Well-Known Member

    Another perspective:
  5. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

  6. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    Sorry, I don't really know. I have been so busy I did not have a chance to do more research. This was posted on another forum.

  7. Chimp

    Chimp Well-Known Member

    looked up a bit more and it looks like someone is spreading the FALSE first post all over the web. Sorry!

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