Mother's boyfriend impregnated her 9 yr old dd

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rostrawberry, Oct 15, 2008.

  1. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    It just makes me sick to my stomach

    IDAHO FALLS, Idaho — An eastern Idaho woman whose boyfriend impregnated her 9-year-old daughter has been sentenced to 10 years in prison.
    Isabel Chasarez, 27, must serve at least one year in prison before she is eligible for parole, 7th District Judge Brent Moss ordered Tuesday at the sentencing hearing.
    Chasarez pleaded guilty in August to failing to provide proper prenatal care for her daughter.
    Her 38-year-old boyfriend, Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, pleaded guilty to rape in September. He is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 28 and faces life in prison.
    The girl became pregnant at age 9, sometime between Aug. 1 and Sept. 30 2007, authorities say, and gave birth in April.
  2. my4kiddies

    my4kiddies Well-Known Member

    Holly freaking cow, I didn't think that could even happen at 9 years old . He only gets 10 years ??? What the **** , I would kill that sorry SOB ! Period ! I can think of a whole hell of alot of others things i could do to him and the mother but i will be nice . And the mother , 1 Year . What in the hell is wrong with this picture ?
    This makes me sick and ****ed off . :banghead:
  3. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    Slow castration with a rusty knife sounds good right now ...... of course after becoming bubba's Enlightened person for a little while.
  4. Rostrawberry

    Rostrawberry Well-Known Member

    Its just scary to think that these young girls can be menstrating that young.
  5. michelle

    michelle Well-Known Member

    You sure got that one right. I agree totally.
  6. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    And younger...

    I have no desire to kindle the fires about "I'll teach my kids about their biology". Soon, the schools will be separating the 5th grade boys and girls for the 'body biology" talk. And the article above seems to indicate a strong need for human biology education.

    These kids are developing secondary sexual characteristics sooner than ever. We can argue hormones in the food supply, or any other reasons, but that won't change the fact that kid's bodies are reaching puberty and pre-puberty sooner than our generation did. They are no where near ready for the changes, especially mentally, socially, and emotionally.

    So, effective parenting is needed, as always. I fear that some may, in trying to delude themselves that this type of activity won't affect their child, will pull those kids out. And, that would be OK, if these parents were both equipped to teach the FACTS of human biology, and the follow through to do so.

    Today, I witnessed two first grade boys pushing and dodging each other, in an attempt to get closer to a first grade girl. This was not an isolated incident, as these two had been warned about it. Boys are already trying to establish dominance at this stage...FIRST GRADE!!
  7. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    Did they keep this child hid for a few months ... or did the neighbors, teachers & relatives not find a pregnant 9 year old a little strange? Hopefully they didn't keep this child locked away from everyone. I wonder how the 9 year old is doing now. It seems like a 9 year old would be a little small to carry a full sized baby, so I'd worry she my have suffered mental & physical issues caused by this incident. I also wonder where the 9 year old is now ... if her Mom is in jail. If the step dad is still alive, then my guess is that her real father wasn't very involved in her life ... and for that matter ... neither were any of her other relatives. I also wonder where the baby is now ... and if the baby was healthy despite the fact no prenatal care was given. Hopefully the baby was born in a hospital ... and not at home. People like these make me sick. I really hope the Mom didn't stay with the sicko boyfriend after she found out he had raped her daughter. I really feel for that poor 9 year old child. She got such a raw deal from life.
  8. Melynda

    Melynda Well-Known Member

    The following articles answered a couple of questions ... the girl gave birth by ceasarean at a hospital, the baby was full term (6lbs), and the girl was a little overweight which "might" have concelead the pregnancy for a while. The bottom article mentions a 5 year old giving birth ... unimaginable :evil:

    A 37-year-old man is charged with raping a 10-year-old girl who gave birth last month in Idaho. St. Anthony Police said they were nitified of the young firl's pregnancy by medical personnel after she went in for treatment at a doctor's office. One day later, the ABC affiliate says the young mother delivered a 6-pound girl at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Idaho. KIDK-TV says Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, a suspected illegal immigrant, is being held at the Fremont County Jail. He’s due in court next week to face rape charges.
    “I wouldn’t have believed a 10-year-old could conceive in the first place,” Fremont County Sheriff Ralph Davis tells the Associated Press.​
    In documents that were filed April 29 in 7th District Court and obtained by The Associated Press, Gutierrez-Juarez is charged with one count of rape. He remained in jail with bail set at $250,000 pending a preliminary hearing May 13.
    Authorities said Gutierrez-Juarez did not have legal documentation to live in the United States. His home town and nationality were not immediately clear, but police said they had received no complaints about him before investigating the pregnancy.
    The investigation was continuing. Smith would not give details on the condition of the girl but said additional counts of rape could be filed.
    ST. ANTHONY, Idaho - A 10-year-old girl who gave birth to a baby girl after being raped actually became pregnant when she was only 9 years old, sources have confirmed.

    The girl gave birth less than two weeks ago by Caesarean section at Madison Memorial Hospital in Rexburg, Fremont County Sheriff Ralph C. Davis and other authorities said.

    St. Anthony police began investigating on April 28 after medical personnel alerted police that a pregnant child had come in for treatment.

    Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, 37, of St. Anthony, was arrested the same day, police said. He later was charged with one count of rape and remains in jail with bail set at $250,000 pending a preliminary hearing May 13.

    Dr. Barbara Nelson from Rosemark Women's Care in St. Anthony told KIDK-TV News she's never worked a case with a girl this young.

    "Less than 10 percent of girls will start their periods before age 11," Nelson said. "We have a lot of data about teen pregnancy and not a lot about children, obviously the numbers are quite low."

    In this case, the baby was reported to weigh about six pounds at birth and was full term.

    The girl may have had a condition called precocious puberty, which means the gland controlling puberty activates early.

    She was also a little overweight so that may have concealed the pregnancy. Both the girl and her baby daughter are in state custody.

    As news of the girl's case spreads through the St. Anthony community, many people are coming forward to offer their support.

    "I felt great sadness for the child and the family," said Dee Raush of the St. Anthony City Council. "I went around and I've talked to people in the community and their hearts just pour out to this girl and her family and (say they) would do anything."

    The girl is reported to be in good physical health despite what she has been through.

    And Dr. Nelson said a 10-year-old giving birth is far from a record.

    The youngest girl on record to ever give birth was a 5-year-old in Peru in the 1930s. The little girl gave birth by C-Section and her parents actually raised the baby as her sibling.
  9. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    OMG! My son is 9, I can't even begin to imagine a 9 year old girl being pregnant. Sick people.

    When I had DS, it was a slow weekend at the hospital, and the nurses were extra chatty and told us about delivering a baby to a 13 year old the previous week. (no names of course) What happened to childhood?
  10. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member

    FIVE years old :shock::shock::shock:
  11. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    And in the 2nd grade Hat, they won't want to touch her with a ten foot pole. That is a stage, hardly a sign of things to come.
  12. MommySAIDno

    MommySAIDno Well-Known Member


    Heck, my 4th grader's idea of flirting is throwing a grasshopper in a girls face,
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2008
  13. Hatteras6

    Hatteras6 Well-Known Member

    Well, my son is 22, and I can distinctly recall his preteen and teen years. We lived in the same house from 7th grade through HS graduation. I knew most of his friends, and with teaching at both the MS and the HS, got to know most of his class. There were times..let me tell you.

    I observed the same behavior today from one of the two boys, affixed toward the young girl. It's his possessiveness that is of concern. And I can imagine the magnitude of the crap hurricane coming from her parents if anything untoward were to happen.
  14. ForeverFaithful

    ForeverFaithful Well-Known Member

    I read this earlier today and it reminded me of a story I had read when I was married to my first husband and we lived in VA. A 9 year old girl was raped and because the mother did not believe in abortion, she made the girl carry this baby and decided that the baby would be raised in their home. I was so disgusted over the fact that this little girl was raped, left in a park, and became pregnant and the mother did not do anything. I believe it said that this little girl had just started having periods. I would have hunted that guy down and killed him with my bare hands!!! I might have ended up in jail for it, but no one messes with my kids!
  15. NCGIRL

    NCGIRL Well-Known Member

    Give me 10 minutes him...maybe 15.
    I can't even descibe what a sleeze bag this <explicitive> is.
  16. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    Judge Sentences Woman To Prison For Exploiting Child
    A Johnston County woman has been sentenced to serve between 12 and 15 months in prison for sexually exploiting a small child over the Internet. Johnston County social workers and sheriff’s detectives were tipped off about Gabriele Birzer Secrest’s actions in May. In June, the 45 year-old woman was arrested. Secrest, who lived on Black Pine Lane, Angier, in western Johnston County, forced a 10 year-old girl to perform sex acts in front of a web cam on her computer, and also disciplined the young girl with a wooden spoon in front of the web cam. Authorities never disclosed who might have viewed the images. Secrest was found guilty of felony child abuse. Following her release from prison, a judge ordered her to register as a sex offender.

  17. mnredsky

    mnredsky Well-Known Member

    What a POS!
  18. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    12-15 months is a joke. I wish she had gotten 12-15 years! There is no excuse for doing something like that... NONE! :evil:

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