Motor Vehicle Tax Changes

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by SunShine26, Dec 6, 2012.

  1. SunShine26

    SunShine26 Well-Known Member

    Just in case you haven't seen this yet...

    Motor Vehicle Tax Changes
    Johnston County Commissioners were briefed Monday on state changes for motor vehicle taxes.

    Johnston County Tax Administrator Pat Goddard presented the new changes during the regular commission meeting.
    She serves on the state's oversight committee for implementing the new vehicle property tax collection procedures.

    Starting in July 2013 local property taxes for registered motor vehicles must be paid at the time of registration renewal, Goddard said.

    The DMV “invitation to renew” will include the registration fee and the county taxes and both must be paid to receive your plate renewal.

    Currently citizens receive their car tax bill three months after renewing their plate.

    Goddard said the new law transfers the responsibility for motor vehicle tax collections from the local tax office to the Division of Motor Vehicles or DMV.

    Commissioner Allen Mims and other commissioners expressed concern about the new changes.
    "It bothers me to send all this money to the Department of Motor Vehicles," Mims said.

    Goddard replied, "Your concern is shared by those who feel the state holds monies owed to counties and cities. Hopefully, there will be no reason in the future for the state to be slow in releasing funds."

    The cost of collection will be prorated between the taxing jurisdictions. Counties will pay the share. Towns and fire districts will pay their share of the printing, mailing, and collections of motor vehicle property taxes.

    Goddard said the new system removes the need to pay at the county tax offices thereby cutting down on the interactions citizens have with government.

    Motor vehicle collections are low in the first months of billing but the new system requires all that renew to pay their taxes.

    Goddard said the media campaign has begun with bill inserts and brochures. TV, radio and print advertising begins in the Spring of 2013.

    Source: WTSB Webpage

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