:cheers:We should be there Sunday. If anyone feels like unloading a truck, feel free to contact me. :lol::lol:
Oh the joys of moving! Welcome to Clayton! Where abouts are you moving in to? (hwy 70/cleveland, etc) Good luck with the move!
I believe she's moving to Cleveland, we had PMd each other before. Wed2X - I almost Pm'd you this morning when I was bored to death, I knew it was coming up this week sometime. Good luck/congrats on the move! Let me know when you're here and we'll get together, our kids are the same ages, right?
yep, same ages! I am now working 3x a week, so it's harder to get together with everyone, but I am going to be hosting a playdate at my house soon, just not sure of the exact date yet. it will be a wed or friday though. how soon before you think you'll be able to get out, I'd like you to be able to come meet some folks.
I'm helping mom & dad move stuff. They got hardwood floors in and have to move everything. Welcome!!!! You'll LOVE it down here!!!!!