Mulberry closing?

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Snuffyjo, Jul 1, 2013.

  1. Snuffyjo

    Snuffyjo Well-Known Member

    don't know if I missed a thread somewhere...ate at Mulberry on Main Sat night and waiter told us it was last night, they were closing for six to eight weeks, then he was not sure what was opining in the building (what kind of restaurant) anybody know? I loved Mulberry.....hate to see it go...
  2. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    From their facebook page:

    "We want to thank everyone for coming out this past weekend and for the last 5 1/2 years. We look forward to the future and pray that the renovation goes quickly and without any problems. Can't wait to see everyone again in August! Our customers are the best!"

    Maybe that waiter isn't coming back.:jester:
  3. Snuffyjo

    Snuffyjo Well-Known Member

    Haha! Guess not! I couldn't find them on facebook, thanks! Waiter told us it was going to be a new "industrial" decor and menu. Not sure what an industrial menu is!
  4. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    "a new event and dining concept....."

    From having been in there the 2 last friday nights and talking with the bartender and even the owners wife.... it doesn't appear that one will be able to just stop by and grab a pizza and a beer anymore. The bartender said that to get notifications of their "Events" you need to be on their email list. So it sounds to me like they are probably going to do things like wine dinners, etc.... and you'll probably have to buy tickets in advance to reserve your spot. They are taking down the wall between the bar area and the dining room area. We will miss them, its convenient to be downtown after work on Fridays for a few beers or drinks and then walk over to Mulberry.... oh well.

    Next up for my pizza patronage.... Primo's (practically across the street from Mulberry), or Ray's at Barber Mill Rd & 42. Italian food in general... La Piazza @ 42 & 50 will probably see us more often.
  5. Snuffyjo

    Snuffyjo Well-Known Member

    Too bad. Being a retailer, we loved to run there on a whim after closing, never knowing exactly what time we will get out. We are not much for the planning ahead, so if its stuff you have to book ahead they will unfortunately lose our business :( Will miss them.
  6. A good friend in the restaraunt business once told me that "Closed for renovation" acutally means "Closed for good".

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