Must have been a right turn

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by kaci, Apr 11, 2007.

  1. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Updated:2007-04-11 07:13:23
    NASCAR Driver Charged With Hit-and-Run
    Waltrip Feel Asleep While Driving, Rolled Car
    AP Sports
    SHERRILL'S FORD, N.C. (April 10) - Michael Waltrip has been charged with reckless driving and hit-and-run after hitting a telephone pole and rolling his car about a mile away from his home over the weekend.

    Waltrip, who suffered scratches to his face and cuts on his finger, said he fell asleep at the wheel when he wrecked early Saturday morning.

    "I am really embarrassed about the accident, but I feel fortunate that I wasn't hurt," the two-time Daytona 500 winner said Tuesday.

    "For 25 years I have had a great driving record. I consider myself to be a courteous and safe driver on public roads. I never expected to fall asleep behind the wheel of a car."

    Police said the accident happened shortly before 2 a.m. when Waltrip lost control of his car while driving around a curve, overcorrected and his car rolled and hit a utility pole, said Sgt. Brian Sharpe of the State Highway Patrol in Catawba County.

    The vehicle, which was on its side, was abandoned and there was blood in it when police arrived. Witnesses reported seeing the driver crawl from the car and leave.

    "He left the scene," Sharpe said. "We got the plate number, realized it was him and tried to locate him."

    An attempt to locate him that morning was unsuccessful, but police reached him the next day. Waltrip was not arrested, but has been charged with careless and reckless driving, as well as hit and run.
  2. peppercorns

    peppercorns Well-Known Member

    cute - right turn!! lol

    he is too used to "go fast, turn left"

    AT least he is ok and no one else was hurt. Too bad he wasn't the one who hit us.....darn $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
  3. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i figured someone would get it:lol: i'm glad he is ok too.

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