the 13 of Oct. 1984. He was only 38. Happened suddenly. Death cert said his bad blood cells took over his good ones leading to a heart attack. No one knows why though. We lived in Sugarland Texas at the time and my parents were seperated because he was seeing the babysitter (long story) I have a 21 yr old sister from that. He went to Mexico the week before he died. We dont know and probably never will. I am now 38 and I think of him and have always thought "will I make it past 38?" Anyway, this day has ALWAYS been hard for me. He missed the birth of my children and I know he is looking down on me and I hope he is proud. I love him so much and miss him. I wish he were alive today!!!!! I named my first born son after him. Thanks for letting me get this out..... I love you daddy! Pattie
Oh death 'anniversaries' are so hard. Especially this year when you are the same age as he was. I know it is hard, but try to let go of the why's and how' does no good now and makes it harder to move on. He is watching over you and your family and I am sure he is very proud!!
T4T, I hope that you find some peace today, and every day. Losing a parent is always tough. We grow and become parents, hoping and praying that our abilities and wisdom as parents will come to be good parenting. By most measures, parents are judged by how their children turn out. Based on what I've come to know of you, they'd be proud. We would especially like for our parents to see how well we turned out, and to be able to tell us how proud they are of us. You were denied that. We wish you Peace.
I know how you feel. Yesterday was my mother's birthday. She passed away 5 years ago. We were extremely close and a day doesn't go by that I do not think of her. Birthdays and D-Days (death days) are very hard. Faith will pull us through and one day we will see them again!
Tams, Wishes for Peace for you and yours.... I lost my Mom several years ago. It hurts a little less as time goes by. I haven't "gotten over" it, and I pray that I never do. I miss you, Mama... H6
Trying to keep a straight face That clown avatar.....makes me laugh everytime. Anyways...... This week has not been good....with birthdays and death anniversaries of loved ones. cousin of my DH who died on Pan am flight 103 celebrated his "would be" birthday on Friday and he would have been 59. So I know what you are going through and all you can do is take it one day at a time and I am sure your father is looking down on you and your family. Take care Ro
Pattie, I cant even imagine. I am so lucky to still have both of my parents. (even though they drive me crazy sometimes) I have known you now for at least a year, maybe more and I'm SURE your dad is VERY proud of you as a woman, a wife, a mother and for your great accompolishments. You are a very sincere person and I only hope for the best for you and your family. Stand tall (even though you are 5'2" lol), stand firm in what you believe in and that would make any parent or friend very proud of you. I love you girl. Sandy
Sending you hugs!!! I am sure hes very proud of you. Just by your personality on here I can tell your a really great person!
May peace be with all of your families. From someone who is taking care of my elderly mother I truly understand. Please know that you can always count on your 4042 family, at least on our end. Grace