,2933,384963,00.html I just can't believe this! She is so beautiful.......poor thing. I hope it all is ok.....Please, God..........
I saw that today too - very strange. I hope the little girl is okay and it found quickly....:neutral:
It's not looking good - Missing Child Investigation Turns To Mother's Home
Oh my God, that poor little girl. Her "mother" sounds like a total psychofruitcake who needs to have her tubes tied. :evil:
You know, stuff like this used to always baffle me. But now that I have a little girl of my own, I really cannot fathom it. I look at my daughter and cannot imagine the evil it would take for me to harm her in any way. Just not imaginable. I pray this little girl is okay and they find her soon.
That is so sad. I hope they find her, and that she's okay. I cannot understand how parents could harm their own children - or take them away from everything and everyone they know. It's so unfair to take them out of their environment for selfish reasons.
Nothing to this degree, but a disaster in the making may have been diverted. Britney gives up permanent custody of the kids to the Father of the Year.