That's a pretty doxie, even without the costume! She tolerates the hat on her head, and elastic behind her ears? I've never had a dog that'd put up with that!
She hates it at first, but after a while she doesn't mind the dress. We have a sweater that she wears when she gets a bath because she stays so cold. The hat has something that hangs down and she tries to chew on it. She looks at me like she is so mad at me. I can't help it though, its so cute. My step son got mad at me when he saw her yesterday with the dress on. hehe I thought it was funny.
DH won't even let me try to dress up our dog for Halloween. Not something I'd do everyday, but it would be cute for a little while. She probably wouldn't tolerate it though, truth be told. Cute dog ya got there OP!
Yes, you can almost hear the, "But mom, do I have to?" No chocolate for miss princess please remember!
Too cute! Our girls were looking at costumes in PetSmart for our doggies. I can't see our big Golden putting up with wearing one. Our 'mutt' would though, she will let the kids do anything to her pretty much! LOL
I had never really been into the dog costume thing but the other night we saw a doggy pimp costume at Halloween Alley and I was thinking how funny one of my pups would be as he has this totally over the top personality. The doxie is too cute!
If you don't want to put $$ into a dog costume, you can always embarrass your pet with items you have already on hand. This is what the kids and I did to one of my dogs a while back, using one of DD's shirts and one of her costume pieces. Let's just say the dog was less than thrilled, but was a really good sport. Bless HIS heart! :lol: