Here's my take on the current presidential nominee Obama. While he talks a good talk and might appear to walk a good walk, I honestly don't see Obama being elected president for several reasons. He lacks true leadership experience. He lacks knowledge in real foreign policy. He has no defined plan to actually help right this country, either internally or extrenally to the world. And while my last comment may sound racist, believe me it is not. But here it goes, there is too much racism in our country as a whole (both black and white) as it stands now, for a "black man" to be elected president. I honestly feel that it would send this country into a tailspin that would weaken our statue and stance in the world due to internal turmoil. And thus weaken us (the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA) Craig
Posts like this add to the problem of racism in the U.S. We should have moved past this attitude in America. I am sorry to see this post in Johnston County. I will not vote for Obama but it has nothing to do with racism.
Yep you won't because you believe in doctored videos right?
I don't think my post added to the problem at all, and if you refuse to acknowledge that these issues exist, then you might want to look at the real world, and not through a pair of rose colored glasses. It's like getting bitten by a tick. You look the other way and ignore it, it just gets bigger and bigger sucking up your life blood till it gets it's fill. Then drops of and moves on tot he next host. If you want to move past this attitude then America as a whole needs to move past the you owe me because you did something to my ancestors 400 years ago mentality. Craig
I much rather have Obama instead of this: I mean we've had him for 8 years so it's not like we can turn back the hands of time. We sure cannot go wrong with Obama after having Bush for 8 years and McCain is Bush's shadow.
This is what's wrong with today's politics. You are basically saying that you want Obama because he's not McCain. I am so tired of political ads and pundits telling me why I should not vote for the other guy. Tell me why I should vote for you. Obama's speech last night he said that he wanted to increase jobs, lower taxes, stop our dependency on foreign oil, end the war (that's already over), and prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons. Oh really? Is there anyone who is against that? McCain also wants to increase jobs, lower taxes, stop our dependency on foreign oil, etc., etc. Both candidates are saying the same thing, but neither goes into any detail about how they are going to accomplish it (especially since there are 535 people that have to approve by majority vote anything that the president suggests).
I didn't get why some were crying at his speech last night. That was ridiculous but typical. It really reminded me of a cross between pro wrestling and a broadway show. You had the pre speech video buildup. Then the entrance music, his standing ovation, the many points that brought "pops" (applause)by the audience, and the most obviously scripted post speech shenanigans I've ever seen. Cue family, hugs and kisses.........cue VP pick and wife, wives hug, candidates hug, all together I'm sure next week's festivities will be just as scripted with the Governator and W. Has anybody seen the McCain video where he was endorsed by that DJ or rapper whoever he was with the sunglasses?, talk about polar opposites.
I'm not voting for Obama just because he is not McCain. That would be idiotic of any responsible voter. Here are the reasons I support Obama:
Contrary to your post I quoted. Here are the reasons I support Obama:[/quote]Ok, let's take a look at just one item, shall we? "Obama will sign a universal health care plan into law by the end of his first term in office. His plan will provide affordable, quality health care coverage for every American." Oh? Every president since FDR has said that and it hasn't happened yet. But let's give Mr. Obama the benefit of the doubt. How is he going to pass this through congress? Who is going to pay for it? Even if we end the war (that's already over) and use that money, which we can't afford as it is? See? No detail. Just, in effect, "Vote for me and I'll make your life better. Don't ask me how I'll do it, and don't pay attention to my opponent who also says vote for him and he'll make your life better."
Clif - I've never been one for fishing. Go pat your pony by baiting your hook elsewhere. I've said on here multiple times I will not debate politics as I know what I think and believe in so there's is no debating. But I will post who I believe... I know, I just do it to drive you debaters crazy :mrgreen:
If you don't like my words, don't respond. I can live without you just as much as you can live without me.
The fact that he is not McCain is only one of many reasons I will vote for Obama. Of course I don't expect him to be able to accomplish all of his goals, no president ever does, but it's important to know what his goals are, and I certainly hope and believe he will accomplish many of them. I believe he will be able to work with Congress to reform health care, and I think Hillary Clinton will play a big role in that. I believe his energy plan is more comprehensive than any we have seen to date. I believe his foreign policy will help restore some of the respect we have lost over the last 8 years. I think the economy will do better under him, working Americans will be better off. The pdf document that mnredsky posted is a 33 page document, that includes 4 pages on health care. You quoted a section titled "At a Glance" as if that was all it said about health care. So it's not exactly accurate when you say, "See? No detail."
And how are his goals different from McCain (or any one else's) goals? Then you are naive at best and ignorant at worst. There is no "reaching across the aisle" any more. It doesn't matter what one side says, the other will be against it. Oh there may be one or two who will "defect", usually to help them win an election, but over all, it ain't gonna happen. What is that energy plan? Have the government spend more money on R&D for solar, wind and other "renewable" energy sources? We've been doing that for years. In fact Mr. Bush has pushed for alternative fuels (bio-diesles, etc). We haven't lost all that much respect. There is no detail, only fluff and pie crust promises. He will reduce costs of medicle care? How? By creating new beauracracies and higher taxes? That's not reducing health care costs, that's just adding a layer and re-routing the costs through the government.