Sir Johns is a good family-oriented restaurant and they're family-owned locally. They've been in business for quite a long time and are located beside the Myrtle Beach Post Office on the Kings Highway, also known as 17 Business that runs parallel to Ocean Drive.
Get to Calabash, NC - great seafood Drive up to Calabash:,+NC,+United+States+of+America&sa=X&oi=map&ct=title Capt. Nance's or Dockside!!!!! They're next to each other.,-78567225,5085768455687147916 Been going to Calabash since I was a kid and still love it. Kent
You can't go wrong with any of the restaurants at Calabash. There is one that is really good, it has a huge anchor in the front...forgot the name of it though. There are a couple of Myrtle Beach forums, you could check there. Also, I use this everytime I head to Myrtle Beach: You can buy gift certificates in advance REAL CHEAP to use at locations in Myrtle Beach. Saves alot of $!