Somthing about a Preacher' s son... (the funk-ey version) :mrgreen: AND who sings it??? I want it on my computer!!! Help me people! My brain is NOT working!!!!!!!:?
:? Well, if anyone has that CD, I'd like to burn it! I dont have it on my ITunes list! DERN! Guess I'll listen to the Fugees (Killilng me softly)
I love that song Harley! Here is a clip of Dusty performing it in 1968 (when I was a whole year old! )
Joss Stone's version! This girl can SING IT!!!
Harley, that song is on the Pulp Fiction CD, along with some other good oldies like "Jungle Boogie". You are welcome to borrow it. Just PM me and let me know!