My role models were not really famous people. My Granddaddy, my 10th grade English teacher Mr. Denning, my Mom....
Same here...definitely my Grandmother, she was the smartest, kindest and most fair person I have ever known. And I would have to say a very dear Aunt; I grew up spending time with her and to this day, try to follow by her example.
My Aunt Marianne, who lived in Montana ... she was one of the furthest away of all my relatives, but always managed to come to my 'important' events when I was a kid ... she was more like a grandmother to me than my own grandmothers were and I still miss her.
My friend Marge. Every time I get discouraged about school and such she has been there to cover my back and keep me pressing on with my studies. I will never be able to thank her enough.
Not necessarily role models per se, but did have an influence on my life and who I am... My Mom My Wife My Best Friend Mrs. Drew (1st grade teacher) Sister Mercedes (2nd grade Catechism teacher) Debbie Jones (my "first" ) Billy Holiday Janis Joplin Grace Slick
Definitely the musician's Clif mentioned and My mom grandmothers Golda Meir Hillary Clinton A neighbor Ms. Owens Pat Sandy Jennifer Cleo Mother Earth