NC Renaissance Faire

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by colinmama, Aug 18, 2008.

  1. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    I'm looking for info about the NC Renaissance Faire. I know the 2008 Faire has already been held, but I still wanted to learn more about it for next year. Anyone involved with this or have gone and enjoyed it? All info would be great!
  2. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

  3. colinmama

    colinmama Guest

    Thanks. I had already checked out the site, but was looking for input from those that have gone.
  4. Jester

    Jester Well-Known Member

    Oh okay. I wish I could help you there. I've had tickets to go for the past two years but was always extremely busy. Hopefully, I'll go in '09.
  5. Rcskip

    Rcskip Well-Known Member

    We took our 3 yr old this past year and he thought it was the greatest. The people were very friendly and he's all into pirates. Some of the men walking around would stop him to give him coins and go into a little pirate skit for him. They had jousting events with horses and of course lots of memorabilia for sale.
    I personally thought it seemed like a venue for the dungeons and dragons people from high school;-)
  6. ShrtnSwt

    ShrtnSwt Well-Known Member

    We went last year and wanted to go this year but couldn't.
    We loved it. Had a great time. Especially the jousting!
  7. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    DH and I went a few years ago. If you've ever been to one of the larger Ren Faires, its a ripoff for what they charge for tickets and food/drinks.
    There is one out towards Charlotte that is much better, its called the Carolina Renaissance Faire. Tickets are probably more $$, but I'd much rather drive 3 hours and go to that faire before going to the little sham they call a Ren Faire at the fairgrounds ever again.

    At the Carolina Ren. Faire near Charlotte, it looks like kids tickets are going to be $7 and $18 for adult tickets this year. They usually can be bought in advance at Harris Teeter, and there are usually discount coupons in the N & O as well. Here is the link to that one,

    I grew up going to the King Richards Faire every fall in Massachusetts, down near Cape Cod. That is another huge Ren.Faire, larger than the Charlotte one, so when we paid what we did for the tickets to the one at the fairgrounds in Raleigh, I was really disappointed. But, if you've never been to anything else like it, I guess it alright for the kids.
  8. elims

    elims Well-Known Member

    The Ren Faire in Raleigh is .. cute .. but if you've been to the one in Charlotte, or others in other states (PA, KS, WI, MD for example), then it just seems silly. Dont go, if you've been to larger faires - you'll just be disappointed. If you havent been to one before, then go - it'll be amusing and a fun way to spend some time at the fairgrounds.
  9. Grinder

    Grinder Well-Known Member

    The one in Maryland is darned impressive.
  10. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Thats supposed to be one of the best ones on the East Coast.

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