Just heard.. I know that we had a thread before about the new lowes food on Rt 50 and 42. Currently, there is a sign up for Lowes Fuel, also I have been told that they are building a brand new Wachovia there also.
What has started now is the Lowes Food gas. A Wachoivia was to come there (relocate from 40/42), but I heard all new Wachovia Construction is on hold a while due to Billlions in losses.
Yeah, that's what we need. It is not difficult enough already to squeeze through the aisles at wallyworld. :lol:
Same here! LOL The owner of Headquarter Salon said she was told by the management group that Target was looking into the land accross from Lowe's and that McDonalds was "supposed" to be built there also.... Although she was told this many months ago so who knows???
My BIL, who is in construction, told me that a Super Target is going where that hill was partially cleared behind Golden Corral. Anyone know for sure?
wachoiva is being built on the corner of 42/50 and the lowes gas is going beside it on the hwy 50 side.the fueling station we'll be a setup like bj's gas, nothing has been signed on the other corner yet
I'm curious to see what kind of gas prices they will have. Will it be super cheap, like BJ's, or moderately priced like Kroger gas?
As for Target, I haven't heard anything about that, BUT we did received a letter of approval and they gave us a new address for a new apartment behind Golden Corral. It's going to be called Cleveland Garden Apartment.
Just drove by, and there's a big sign up saying COMING SOON - WACHOVIA. So must be they changed their minds. I'm excited, will be glad to have one so close. Must be a gas station right next to it being built though, with those big ole' gas tanks though.
I heard recently that Target and Kohl's was coming across from where they are building the Wallyworld. I wouldn't think they would put these so close to the ones at White Oak, but the person that told me says her source is good.
I heard today that an Old Navy is coming to White Oak, has anyone else heard this? Somewhere over by the Target...
I'm going to be hating life. It's an obstacle course now, with they way that intersection is designed and the morons who think their morning biscuit entitles them to block the flow of traffic. I wish I had a nickel for every time one of them pulled out in front of me. I don't eat there in protest!! I have no idea how they are going to make it safe.
I heard this awhile back. But then recently I'd heard that they (Gap) were going to do away with the Old Navy brand. Didn't realize that is was a part of The Gap till I heard this on the news.....
Hopefully the Lowes gas station will tie it to your shopping also. Example, at Stop & Shop supermarkets up north for every $100 you spend in the store, you get a coupon for 10 cents off the gallon price at their pumps.