I just had Zerorez clean my carpet (dog had P'd on it a few times last year) and also my had a stairwell cleaned..... Awesome job,,,,, p odor gone!!!! Carpet looks brand new............. Only issue I had was their machine really can spit out a lot of steam, but thank goodness I had covered up all important stuff with towels!!!
I recommend Josh A Baker Carpet Cleaning Service. We just had ours done just before the rain last week. I called Stanley Steemer, Sears, and a few more smaller companies. Never called Zerorez or Chemdry. This is a small company, but he took his time and made sure everything was right. I highly recommend them if you want the carpet steamed cleaned. http://joshbakercarpetcleaning.com/
Thanks for your replies. For pet odor do I want a wet clean or a dry clean? I just need 1 bedroom cleaned.
Zerorez is the best. Get the extra Scotchgard treatment (at least in high traffic areas - they'll do it, just ask when they get there) and your carpet will stay clean for months