My inlaws will be coming to visit for probably a week in May. She is extremely allergic to cats - even with medication she cannot be around them. I have an inside only cat and one that goes in and out. I'm not worried about the inside/outside cat because he can just stay out for a week. He stays outside most of the time anyway. But I need help on what to do with my inside cat. I don't have any friends or relative that are willing to keep him inside for that long. I can't just put him out. Does anybody know of any places in the Benson area that will keep him and take good care of him for a week? He does not like dogs so he can't go to a place that has an inside dog. Thanks for all advice/help.
It doesn't matter if your cat is in the house or not at the time of her visit, you cat's DANDER is already in your house and that is what your MIL is allergic to. Trust me on this, I KNOW this from personal experience -- I still can't go to my aunt's house without having an asthma attack from her cat's dander, and her cat has been dead for about a year! If your MIL has very severe allergic reactions that could be life threatening, such as asthma, you should really consider finding somewhere else for her to stay, like a hotel. Otherwise you might be visiting her in the hospital.
I was going to say the EXACT same thing. When I go to friends/relative's homes who hve cats they always try and lock the cats in the bedroom. I try telling them that it doesn't matter....even if you clean and scrub and clean and ENT told me it takes 10 years to get cat dander out of a home. I have allergy induced asthma, so when I go to homes with cats, I stay inside for 15-20 minutes then continue my visit outside...either that of guzzle liquid Benedryl!!
Ditto again, Ready's reply was so true and i try to do what Pirategirl does also though my allergies are nowhere as bad as hers - i can handle being inside for an hour or so if it is a "clean" cat house:-D i just remember to dose up on allergy meds before i go.
Ditto to the comments above. You're not going to be able to clean out the cat dander from your house. When I have guests who are allergic to cats, they stay at a nearby motel. (Their choice. They are very welcome in my home, but they cannot stand to be in the house more than a couple hours.) And we visit outside my home as much as possible - eating out, mall walking, parks, bookstores, their motel, etc. If your inlaw is really that allergic, she will prefer this arrangement. You might want to warn them in advance so they can decide what they want to do. They may decide that you should come to their place instead.
thanks for the advice Going to their place will not work this time. They are coming here to attend a graduation ceremony. I have not had to deal with this type of allergy so I had no idea it was the dander. She has been to our house before ands seemed to do OK as long as the cat was not around. Maybe a motel will be best. Will have to talk to them and see. Thanks for all the advice.
It takes an hour or more at my Aunt's house before I start wheezing and it quickly tuns into a full blown asthmatic attack. My Aunt's house is clean... she even had her carpets steam cleaned after the cat died trying to rid it of cat dander... but that dander is still deep down in the carpeting, the furniture, etc. :neutral: