Need Gerbil Advice

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by Pet Mom, Feb 12, 2008.

  1. Pet Mom

    Pet Mom Guest

    Hi all,
    To keep it brief, I had 2 brother gerbils, 1 passed away. Purchased another male from different litter (was necessary). Had 1 fight now get along great. Problem: That 1 fight left Boots with minor scratch below eye. Seemed fine but now, a week later, its infected. Looks like a pimple or small bubble with green puss. Don't know what to do. Needs help but can't afford vet & none will give advice over phone. Should I lance the wound to remove puss then treat with salt/water? Can I buy a low priced antibiotic somewhere? Does anyone have any they don't need? Is there a place around that would offer help for very little money? Please advise before he gets worse! Thank you.
  2. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I would do that. With Neosporin, maybe? I might treat with saline instead of salt water - might be less painful for him.
  3. JenniferK

    JenniferK Well-Known Member

    I'd be careful with Neosporin near the eye.

    I bet if you leave it alone, it will pop on it's own too. Animals are pretty resiliant.

    Keep us updated.
  4. Pickle

    Pickle Well-Known Member

    Did you call Dr. Grant at Lake Wheeler Veterinary Hospital? She is less expensive than most small animal vets.
  5. JellyBean

    JellyBean Well-Known Member

    Found this online:

    Occasionally a hamster may get a sticky eye where the eyelids are fused together and older hamsters may be prone to 'sticky eyes'. This is often because a hamster may have something it its eye such as a piece of dust or it could be because the hamster's cage is placed in a draught or could be a symptom of a cold or allergy. The closed eye should be wiped with a small piece of cotton wool soaked in luke warm water. This is usually sufficient to open the eye but if not the eyelids can gently be pulled apart.

    If a hamster has recurring problems with runny or sticky eyes or the eye appears cloudy the hamster could have an eye infection. This can be treated by mixing half a cup of sterile (boiled and cooled) water with a teaspoon of boric acid powder (available from a chemist or pharmacy) and using an eye dropper to bathe the eye twice or three times a day. If the hamster does not show improvement within a couple of days veterinary advice should be sought as antibiotics may help.

    Although rare, hamsters can develop cataracts and the
  6. wolfcub

    wolfcub Well-Known Member

    I have no advice but for those that are older when I saw the Forum Heading for some reason UNC-Greensboro popped into my head!!!!!! LOL!!!!!
  7. harleygirl

    harleygirl Well-Known Member

    I'd call up to Dr. Debbie Basden (beside Food Lion @ 4042) and expain your $$ situation to her. She's a VERY fair person! Love her!
  8. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    True - my dog was prescribed Vetropolycin HC, it is an antibiotic for use near the eye. It was 15.00
  9. space_cowboy

    space_cowboy Well-Known Member

    I just knew this was gonna be about Richard Gere.

  10. Pet Mom

    Pet Mom Guest

    Update on Gerbil

    Just wanted to let you know that you were right, it popped on its own. I put a tiny bit of antibiotic on it very carefully & Boots is as good as new. I was just so worried. Thanks for all of the advice & concern.

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