Need help getting Border's books to Cleveland.

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Ron Still, Aug 9, 2011.

  1. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    The Cleveland Library has an offer from Border's Books nationally to send 30 new Christmas children's books for each donation of $50. Duplicates are not a problem with seasonal books. We will order five boxes of B&N books with the first five donations of $50. Later donations will be used to purchase books from other companies. We are trying to increase the children's collection to 40,000 books. Teachers have been checking out books by themes, which can drain the library for day to day customers, until we get the collection size up.

    The library needs assistants to shelve 1,500 books weekly. Shelvers must be able to pass the short test at:

    We need thousands of volunteer hours other than shelving.

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