Need help with eldercare

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Boxwood977, Jul 7, 2013.

  1. Boxwood977

    Boxwood977 Active Member

    I have just started to care for my mother who is suffering from dementia and Parkinson's. I don't know where to turn. I need some relief this coming week as I am trying to leave my job but need to train the new person and then I embark on full time caregiver until I find the right living situation and medical treatment for her. So my immediate need is does anyone know of a caring CNA or qualified person I Can hire short term? Couple of days this coming week? Willing to pay but some of those agencies are a bit much...and then any resources I can turn to for long term guidance. Family is not an option as they live in another state and I have friends who are helping me tomorrow. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
  2. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Sent you a PM
  3. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    It is such a sad time when this happens. I, like you, did not know what to do when my mother needed constant help. I stayed with her 24/7 but got worn out and sick myself. Her primary physician stepped in and wrote a prescription for hospice care. The primary physician's, Dr. Lisa Bookert, staff made all the arrangements. Hospice came in helped rearrange our house, had the hospital bed brought in, bathed my mother, changed her clothing and sheets, made me get out and go grocery shopping, made my daughter and me go out to eat, etc. Hospice also sends in nurses and doctors who write the prescriptions so your loved one does not have to go anywhere. I've never been so happy to see a 24 hour pharmacy open up as I was when Walgreens opened in Clayton. When they saw that we were worn out they actually found a place for a weekend that would house my mother so my daughter and I could get away.

    The hospice staff also explains why your loved one does what they do. My mother would pull herself around in bed so she could look into a certain corner of the room. Hospice explained all of this to us.

    I will have you in my thoughts. I've never had anything happen in my life that was harder than what I went through during that time. My mother had Alzheimer's, COPD, brain cancer and throat and mouth cancer. The 4042 family rallied around and sent food and supplies over and were such a big help. Rely on all of us as you will need to do so.

    Last edited: Jul 7, 2013
  4. Boxwood977

    Boxwood977 Active Member

    Sherry thanks for that informative post. I always thought hospice care was for very end of life but she is far from it just needs 24 hour care like you described. I have been doing some research and understand so much more but have miles to go. I will bring that suggestion to her next appointment (along with the long list of questions I already have).
  5. jessiejames2

    jessiejames2 Member

    Elderly parents

    You might not know but the do have Adult daycare up in Raleigh. You can see if her insurance covers anything. Ask her doctor if they have any suggestion. I took care of my father last year and it took its toll on me as well. My sugar levels were so high from stress. Look Under Johnston County Health department for the elderly. Sorry I can't help any more but I know what you are going through. tc
  6. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    We had an elderly family member who stayed with us for several months while recovering from surgery. We were referred to Attending Angels by a friend who had used them, and we also had a good experience with them. They were very flexible with their schedules and were easy to work with.

    Attending Angels
    30 Noble St Smithfield, NC 27577
    (919) 989-7000
  7. ginger1989

    ginger1989 Well-Known Member

    Medicare should help. I used to work for a Home Health care company that can help get you help. Owners are certified senior care advisors.
    CenterPeace Home Healthcare. 919-567-8200 They have nursing assistants and companion care options depending on what you need.

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