Need Help with new Puppy

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by mcclouds6, Apr 3, 2013.

  1. mcclouds6

    mcclouds6 Well-Known Member

    I got a new puppy about 4 weeks ago from some random person. Puppy (Jack) is hybrid border collie and aussie shepherd. When I brought him home I washed him, what appeared to be grit of some kind on his skin started to concern me. Whatever it was was not coming off. I immediately made a vet appointment with my normal vet (old stage) since the pup need vaccines anyways and the poor thing was scratching a lot and crying. During our vet visit I was informed pup had lice and possible scabies, now lice is transferred to dog to dog, but scabies is transferred to everyone. The medicine used for scabies can kill a border collie, so the vet has to dip him every week, this has been going on for 4 weeks now. Each visit I pick him up no doctor comes out to talk to me, no doctor has confirmed he has scabies, no one in my home has scabies, poor dog was fluffy, no his hair is falling out and he still has white little things in his black hair. The last visit, picked him up and they said by and I said ummmm does he need to come back they said let me check with the doctor, came back and said if he is still itching then bring him back, I said what about all these little white things will they just fall off or what she said I will have to go back and ask the doctor but she is with a patient.... OMG, really, so dog is still scratching some, does anyone have any advice or home remedies on what I could try to get rid of what appears to be lice. I have already put Frontline on him. The only other thing I can think of is to have him shaved. I am just at my wits end
  2. roca1216

    roca1216 Well-Known Member

    Take the dog to another vet. i was disappointed at old stage and went to Cleveland vet behind Smithfield BBQ at 40/42. They are very nice and answer every question. You will not be disappointed. I had to put my dog down and the vet which was seeing my dog heard it was time to do so. She came down from her vacation and took the time to do this for me. I was very impressed that she was so concerned for me and my dog at that time.
  3. kdc1970

    kdc1970 Guest

    You need another vet. I've been battling severe allergies with my dog for the past 3 years. I FINALLY found a good vet, Dr. Barzola at Clayton Animal Hospital, who seems to give a damn about the dog. Someone on here recommended her and I won't see anyone else. Yes, they are expensive, but for the first time in years, my dog is not itching and broken out.

    BEEBSLY9 Active Member

    I would def find a different vet, there should be a benzoyl peroxide shampoo they can give you to bathe your dog at home. they may even have to shave or snip away at some of his/her hair that is really infected underneath. You may even want to use the shampoo on your other dog, but i would take care of this soon. It can usually take a few weeks and lots of bathing for it to get better but i feel like there is an easier way then what you are dealing with. i use cleveland school animal hospital as well and iam very pleased! i have heard great things about clayton animal hospital though. hope you get it taken care of, that poor dog...i feel for him/her! get better soon!

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