Need info

Discussion in 'Cat Dog' started by mar-mar, Feb 21, 2005.

  1. mar-mar

    mar-mar Guest

    What are the signs of poisoning in dogs/cat... Recently my 15 year old cat died... I assumed old age. Within a week we found another cat that looked remarkably like our cat, also dead...also on our property. Yesterday, my dog died....she was a stray we adopted 7 years ago...we think she was about ten years old. Other than losing some weight she had been active... Friday night she was subdued... I thought she was jealous because we had my daughter's dog here. Saturday morning when it was time for her to go out she was still not acting right... by Sunday she was throwing up, not eating and quickly progressed to the point I knew she was dying.

    Is it possible she the animals were poisoned... We are very careful with lawn chemicals, sprays etc.... We found the stray cat in our woods which is a natural area with a creek running through. The family cat never left our property...

    My large dog seems okay other than confused because his playmates are gone... I'm just having a hard time believing that three animals died in such a short time span...regardless of age.

    Thanks for any info.
  2. ready2cmyKing

    ready2cmyKing Well-Known Member

    The first thing that popped into my mind when I read this was antifreeze. Animals will drink it, lick it off a garage floor, etc., because it tastes good and it will shut their kidneys down. Check around and make sure there is none where an animal can drink it. Also, check with your neighbors if they liked to visit with them. They may have been poisoned, but it may have been accidental. Look at this

    I'm so sorry for your losses. :(
  3. Anonymous

    Anonymous Well-Known Member

    Gosh. Thats horrible! Is there any mouse poison in or aroung the house or garage? Any by the neighbors? It sounds suspicious. If it was a disease, it wouldn't have been spread from dog to cat. Cat's can't get Parvo or distemper? Is there any way you could take one of them to the vet to do an autopsy?? It's somewhat pricey, but if you think there is a chance they were poisoned, they will definatley find out. Take care.
  4. There are no real unique symptoms of poisoning that can be pin pointed by just looking at an animal,without actually knowing a caustic substance has been injested or somehow wound up on the animal. An animal that is not acting him/herself should be called into your veterinarian-they will tell you how to proceed. However, here's an idea...have you or any of your neighbors had fertilizer put down recently or had their house exterminated? Just an idea. I'm thinking if poison was the culprit that it was something that somehow wound up on their skin as opposed to being injested. some flea treatments can also be lethal to animals, I won't name names but you can purchase it at Food Lion.

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