Need Input

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by brea7347, Dec 17, 2007.

  1. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    My father-in-law has decided to treat the family to an Alaskan cruise in August. This consists of my F-I-L, M-I-L, me, my husband, our daughter, my sister-in-law and her husband. As excited as I am about it, there is one drawback. My daughter will only have just turned three in August and I really don't know about taking a toddler on a cruise. I have never been on a cruise and don't know much about them, so I don't know what to expect.

    Can anyone give me some insight as to what to expect and if it is a good idea or not? I would love to hear from someone who has actually done this with a young child. Thanks!!!
  2. JCoRes

    JCoRes Well-Known Member

    Unless its a kid friendly cruise, I wouldn't


    My best vac. was a cruise .. went with my mom and sis. There doesn't appear to be too much for a kid to do unless as stated, the cruise specifys that it has seperate children activities -- in which you'd take the child to like a day care type atmosphere to enjoy kid stuff.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    My kids have been going on cruises since the young age of 3 months, along with other family members the same age. We don't go every year, but the MIL plans the vacation, tells everyone how much their share is and she has always kept the kids in mind when booking the trip. My sister and I have children the same age and until they were old enough for pre-school they stayed with a family member at all times. The other children, pre-school age up to high school have planned activities planned by the cruise ship as well as our own family planned activity, which was shore excurtions and just relaxing on the beaches. Just make sure that the cruise line your FIL picks is kid/family specific. I can suggest Holland Cruise line because of our experience with them, always great service and they have Alaskan cruises. If safety is the issue you can always take a life jacket for your child, but honestly I believe theres more danger in flying to your destination to the west coast for the cruise than on the cruise itself, JMHO.
    Go, relax, have a great time seeing and doing things you may never get the chance to do again.
  4. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    I didn't realize there were children's activities on cruise ships, other than on Disney cruises. Thanks for the tip. We will definitely mention that to my FIL so he can ask about that when looking at different cruises!
  5. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    That was my first reaction - what if she falls overboard? My husband says I'm being silly and that the rails have to be safe enough that people can't just fall over, or you would hear about it happening all the time. Having never seen them, I don't know. I'm still very wary though! Another thing to ask about - life vests. Thanks!!
  6. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Thanks, Inthebuff. Great suggestion to just relax and have fun! I've been so busy worrying about what could go wrong that I keep forgetting what a wonderful experience we will probably have! And you are right, I may never see this again. I'm so glad to know that there are kid/family friendly cruises. Thanks for the recommendation.
  7. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    If you are out in the middle of the ocean swimming is not gonna help. As far as life jackets , Are they gonna wear them 24/7 ? Its one of those times you have to just stay home or put it in gods hands. I could go pick my kid up today and a tractor trailor could hit my car and splat us all over the road . I am not gonna hide in the house outta fear .
  8. Angeleyes

    Angeleyes Guest

    I get what your saying now.
  9. rrgreennc

    rrgreennc Well-Known Member

    There are a lot of cruise lines with special programs for kids of all ages. In recent years, cruising has become very much a family vacation. It's no longer just for old people and honeymooners, as the old stereotype goes.
    Typically, the kids will be divided into several different groups, with kids in a specific range together in a group with its own space and activities. The first time we cruise, our youngest was 10, so I can't anything first-hand about your child's age. Disney's programs are recognized as among the best, but they don't currently sail to Alaska. Our 11yo enjoyed the activities on the Princess cruise we took, and I believe that Carnival and Royal Caribbean both have ships with kids activities. Check out the cruise critic web site ( for lots of information including chat boards. I think you'll find something that will work for your whole group and you'll have a great time.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    All of the children in our family have vast experience with water and boats. Our family is a family of boaters, swimmers and water skiing fanatics. Our kids couldn't give you an age that they didn't know how to swim or if they could remember the first time on a boat. As far as life vest, ours have been wearing them since they could walk. Go visit a boating supply store and you wouldn't believe how small those little life vest are. The key is to have a good, tight fit for who ever wears one and the little kids have a strap that their legs go through that buckles to the vest preventing the thing from slipping off, sorta like a rock climber wears to prevent falling. If your worried about the ships railing on the cruise here's something to think about, I'm 5'2 and the railing comes to my upper chest/shoulders. Parents need to get kids involved in swimming at an early age, toddler age is best if not earlier before there is any fear of the water, my oldest was on swim teams at the age of 4Statics show that more accidents happen in the home than anywhere else. If your like me, I'm on my toes when it comes to my kids and any vacation, never taking my eyes off of them for fear something would happen away from home. GO AND HAVE SOME FUN!!!!!!!!
  11. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    i wanna go on a cruise:-(
  12. peekaboo

    peekaboo Well-Known Member

    You are blessed....

    with a great FIL. Enjoy the time with your family and take lots of memories!
    Grandma Peepaboo
  13. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I say go for it, by all means, don't turn down a trip with the family. Millions before you and millions after you will and have enjoyed Family cruises. I would just have the organizer of the cruise takes a moment to check on what's available for family activities (which include all cruises except booze cruise's). There will even be childcare available on board so if you choose, you and DH can have a romantic afternoon by the pool or dinner. Go and enjoy yourself with your extended family, will make for great memories for a lifetime.

    The biggest thing about cruise ships and something that most people don't realize, is once they get out on the open sea, they have their own laws. Meaning the 'law of the land' doesn't apply, should something bad happen.
  14. brea7347

    brea7347 Well-Known Member

    Thank you so much for all of your replies. I honestly didn't know that there were so many child friendly cruise ships out there. I did a search on "family cruises" instead of just "cruises" like I did before and I came up with a wealth of info!

    Yes, I am blessed with wonderful in-laws - wouldn't trade them for anything! We actually weren't considering not going. We were thinking of leaving my daughter with my parents. But, she is my in-law's only grandchild and they live in CA and don't see her that often, so they would be crushed if she didn't come. They were clear that they expected her to be there. I would hate to do that to them, so we will take her. My dh is going to ask my FIL to check on family cruises.

    Thanks so much for all the great advice!
  15. Southernborn

    Southernborn Well-Known Member

    Me too, but only to a nice warm tropical place!:mrgreen: We were all going this summer, my niece was going to get married in the Caribbean, but they decided to do locally so more people would attend.:-(

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Coast guard approved would be an affirmative. Anything on a boat has to be approved by a grading scale of type 1, 2 or 3 by the coast guard. The vest on ocean liners has to be the type with the flap on the back for head support. Our vest have always had a seal of approval on them as boating regulations instruct and we've been pulled over on Jordan a many of times with this being the first thing they check, as well as one for everyone on the boat, no sharing allowed. This is a wonderful vacation for any family. I think you'd really enjoy it, when you feel comfortable enough with the kids give it a try. Think about swimming lessons every summer to build their skills up and possibly try a swim team, this really builds on what they've learned. I've been lucky that mine took to water like fish, show them a stroke and off they go like a pro.

    INTHEBUFF Well-Known Member

    Life is too short to let fear take control. I understand your worries, being a mother of 2 teenage girls. Just wait until they start driving, OMG the fear that grips you during those first few years that their driving and even now will sneak up on me at times. Think about all the times you grab the little one up to run down the road to the store or go to the mall, this puts you and her at more risk just by getting in the car and being on the roads with all the crazy drivers out there. Or better yet, ever been on I95 going somewhere, this is reportedly the one of the worst interstates in the USA, unbelieveable fatality rate. So, with all the other things out there in the world I think a little cruise is the least of your worries, JMO. ;)
  18. RealityCheck

    RealityCheck Well-Known Member

    We've been on 14 cruises in the last 6 years....all of them on Carnival. They have Camp Carnival for the children, 2yrs-14yrs (maybe 15). Plenty of activities for all and never been a problem.

    Go for it and good luck!!

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