Can any of you recommend someone who will come to me - who fixes ride around mowers? We used Sears in the past, but they were out here three times in order to fix the problem. It's not that old either - only about 4 yrs.
Call Griff's. I think his shop is past DR Wells going to smithfield on the first right turn. You should see some signs.
It won't start - Has a new battery - Think the starter was replaced last year - but who knows? Hubby and the neighbor messed around with it at the close of last season - neighbor is an auto mechanic, so DH assumed (snicker) they could fix such luck...think they made it worse. . .grrrr Hubby is great with electronics, but he's not mechanically inclined - he doesn't read this board so I can say that freely ;-)
Yep Arvins, we have been there before. Not sure if they will come to you though. The owners son is CUTE!!!! :lol:
If it has a new battery and doesn't turn over it could be in the the wiring like the safety switches or ignition switch. Bypass all the safety switches,take a wire and make contact beteen the postive post and the starter post and see if it will kick in(take a 1 lead of a jumper cable,clamp one end to postive post AND HOLD OTHER end in your hand and just touch it to the starter post ,,a quick and frim touch
For many many years we had to start our lawn tractor with jumping cables with our vehicle because the tractor needed a new cellnoid which we couldn't find anywhere, finally to buy a new tractor last year.
robbie wrote You could have taken it to a auto parts store and gotten a close match and used one for an automobile(maybe off an old Ford)
Nah, it was a 1988 model, we got it from a neighbor who was moving for only $400.00 in 1993 and sold it last year for parts for $50.00. Talking about a steal, we had it for 13 good years, even if we had to jump start it the last 3 years! Didn't want to put money into it except our own maintainance that we did for it each year.
i agree with calling Griff's - he is an awesome person and knows what he is doing at a fair price. While he won't do the work at your place, he will arrange pickup from you residence, will repair the problem, and return it to you.
Call Gary Green. He does great work and has been doing it for years and he will come to you. 612-0493 or 553-4331 or 550-1966
Mower repair Sounds like the solenoid to me. But mower repair is my brother's side job, if you want to shoot me your e-mail, or voice # I can pass it along.