Hello All, As some of you know, my family is moving from where we are now. I have run across a huge problem. I can't take my animals with me!!!! I need to know if there is anyone out there who can keep my dogs for a few months, until we can get our home bakc in Johnston County. I am willing to pay money and supply food, and things. The dogs are Crate trained, and very friendly. Please someone help me so I don't have to give up my babies. Ready, you know which babies I am talking about. Harley, Cheyenne, and Zeke. Any Ideas? I would be completely heartbroken if I had to give them away. Thanks in Advance for any ideas you can give.
two of them are German Sheperd mixes, the ones I got from Ready2cmyking. The other one is a 12 pound Chihuahua mix I do not know of any fosters out there, I was hoping to find some. They are very sweet doggies, and I really want to keep them together if at all possible. The Chihuahua, Zeke is about 3 years old. Harley and Cheyenne are about 6 or 7 months old, I think. Ready, would that be about right?
I would love to help if my fence was finished! I would need it with the bigger dogs..I will keep my ears and eyes open for ya. Sheri
They were born on Dec. 5, 2006 so they are almost 6 months old. Girl, I sure wish I could help you out. You know I would in a heartbeat, but I just don't have the space here. :-( I will spread the word about your situation for you though.
Thanks Ready, I know you would honey. Thanks ya'll for keeping your ears out. Jen, Zeke has been around babies, he was always around kids, but he licks a lot, and is a jumper. (that goofball dog can jump three feet high)
I might be able to help out with Zeke if he has a crate..my only problem is come June I go on vacation for 10 days, of course i have someone to care for my other animals..I would have to check with her on Zeke as well. This will give me a chance to see if i can do another dog in the house. I have a pug that is 2 yrs old come this july..she needs a friend to play with. If you need my help contact me privately at Rushlow2004@hotmail.com Sheri
He is Crate trained, he will not go in the house as long as he is let out at some point to go to the bathroom. He has stayed inside for over 8 hours before and not gone in the house. I do not think he would hurt the baby by any means, he may try to lick her but that would be about it. His claws can be a little sharp if he jumps on you though. UPDATE..... If any of you live in or around PLeasant Woods, Cheyenne has gone missing!!!!! She got out of the yard somehow, and we can't find her! If you see her please call us at 235-2863 She has wavy black hair on her back, and her tail curls at the end. We miss our baby and are very worried about her, please keep your ears out. She is wearing a black collar, but has lost her tags....(tears)
Never mind ya'll Cheyenne has come home. I guess she wanted to take a romp around the neighborhood Glad to have her home.
Yeah, I know you're relieved!! You know what, you need to post some pics of the dogs you're talking about so you'll capture someone's heart about fostering for you.
Oh boy, you have no idea, and being preggo, I am totally emotional anyway. I was so happy to have her home again. I do need to post some pics of them, you shouls see Harley and Cheyenne now, they are getting big. They are so precious though. I am going to post some pics in the next day or two, and hopefully someone out there can help me with my babies for a little while. I looked into boarding them, but it's so expensive for that amount of time!! I would much rather spend the money on someone fostering them, with me providing money, food, vet cost, whatever. Here's Hopin'.