need some feedback...

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by God'schild, Dec 18, 2008.

  1. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Ok. As usual, the only way to get good opinions or advice is to turn to my family of 4042ers!!!

    So, I been thinkin'........I'm sure you've seen the smoke:jester:. I don't know of any around here in the area persay, which makes my idea We have all the daycares we could want, in home and out of the home. But, we have alot of parents single or married that work nights. What if some one was to open up a "night time" care facility? Say from like the start of the 2nd shift hours to like 6 or 7 the next morning. The care would a bit easier as the kids would more than likely be asleep. It could provide meals, have a staff member hired to handle home work supevision and even if it had to, maybe get licensed to have a van or 2 to take children to school if parents need them to. It could be where parents could drop off the kids at anytime they needed for work. I know there are alot of other details and issues but if "day" cares can do it, so could a "night" care. With getting all the proper "needs" and inspections and licenses and all that red tape, do you all think it is a good idea all in all that it could be done with alot of work?

  2. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    I think it would be a good idea, but definately do due diligence as far as the need is concerned and all that red tape gobldy gook.... but I have seen people on here even asking about it.
  3. mom24

    mom24 Well-Known Member

    And you would need to look into whether or not someone would have to be up all night with the children.
  4. seabee

    seabee Guest

    Look no further... I would almost bet that would be the case.
  5. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Oh definitely. It would have to be staffed appropriately. Someone to be up at night, have enough separate rooms for girls and for boys and a separate one for babies and all. Maybe like 2 kids to a room or if not that many rooms to start with, maybe have a room where more could be. Beds and bedding, washers and dryers, kitchen, etc....all that. Pretty much like a regular daycare facility.
  6. siameselover

    siameselover Well-Known Member

    need some feedback

    it should be possible, im from orlando where everything is open24/7 and there are 24 hour day care for all 3 shifts :iagree:
  7. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    I used to know of one in Raleigh, and that is how they operated.
  8. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Someone I work with said that there was one in Fayetteville. I used to work down there but don't remember hearing about it. Of course I was not in the need for it, so...........

    But let's fantasize for a minute that I decided to do the "in my mind" impossible and try it. Where would I start? Would I need investors? How does that work? Do I have to have a degree in child development or anything like that? I don't have one, but if I run the place and have skilled personnel that do, can it be done like that? Any help is greatly appreciated!
  9. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    Start here -

    I wouldn't think being the owner/director you would need those credentials as long as your staff that was interacting with the children did - but I am just guessing - I really don't know. It might be a case where you can get them as you go. As for financing a new business, look into the SBA.
  10. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Thanks Cleo! What I'm gonna do is get up with them to see what the requirements are and see if that is needed before I go to the SBA. I may have to have all that first, I don't know. But hey, I'm sure they'll let me know...LOL We are slow at work tonite and I am thinking about this hard.....And I need to more than likely visit a center that does this to even see if it is something I can even handle or if I may be biting off more than I can chew, ya know? But in all things, start slow, baby steps.......I just wanted to know what you all thought. Thanks my 4042 family!!!
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2008
  11. Cakedec

    Cakedec Guest

    Perhaps you could approach a few local day care providers with your business plan and share their facility at night for a reasonable fee. I will not rent out my kitchen, but know of some that do that type of thing. I think it is a good way to get started.
  12. Sporadic2000

    Sporadic2000 Well-Known Member

    I have a name for you. How about Nite Lite Night Care? Or Night Light Night Care.
  13. God'schild

    God'schild Well-Known Member

    Hey! Those are pretty good! I had thought about "Sweet Dreams Nightcare" but then that could be REAL misconstrued...LOLOLOL Thanks also Cakedec. I may do that. My husband thinks I'm a little crazy but he is supportive. LOLOLOL

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