Need someone who can read cryllic/ Russian

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Aug 19, 2008.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    In a bit of a dilema here. I need someone who can read Russian and translate it. I know all about the online translators and that is not what i need right now. I have a major problem w/ my son's records. Just discovered they were falsified. His vaccinations are completely messed up.-- saying he received vaccinations before he was even born! Getting him titered but still need to figure this out. There are some papers we have recieved w/ his medical records and would love the chance to know what they say as they were never translated. Don't know why but they weren't. It may be the key that unlocks this mystery, it may not. All the same, we think at this point in light of new info, it would be to our son's benefit to know what some of these papers say. Anyone who knows Russian and is able to translate, please let me know. I'd greatly, greatly appreciate it.


    stephanie--mom to 7
  2. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    When I have needed translations for business in the past I always went to a college that had a foreign language program. If I remember right it was often free or a very small fee for just a page or two (and a sob story).
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks Hught! Didn't even occur to think of the colleges. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  4. Sherry A.

    Sherry A. Well-Known Member

    Yes, I agree with Hugh. Try NC State. Let me network as well. The guy who made us wireless and all at our house is a young man from St. Petersburg. He worked for Geek Squad and now has his own business, which is located near us. I will look for his card and get back with you if I find it.

  5. ljk

    ljk Well-Known Member

    How many pages? Can you scan it and email it to me? Our ABRO child (who is in college now) could email me the translation. Her English is excellent.
  6. Ron Still

    Ron Still Well-Known Member

    Reading Russian-the Garner connection

    Try the local Orthodox Church, with Ukraine background and which landed in the Garner area recently. The contact was:
    Sts. Volodymy and Olha Church, 8312 White Oak Rd., Garner; 919-779-7246; Father Deacon Mark Shuey
  7. aphorista

    aphorista Well-Known Member


    We adopted our daughter from Russia two years ago. The director of the Russian School in Raleigh's mother translated our daughter's medical records. She was a pediatrician in Russia. Her name is Tonya. Not sure if she is still in the states but you could check with her son at the Russian School.

    We actually met with her to have her assess our daughter's developmental level but gave her copies of the medical records. She translated all of what was available including the shot record. It was very informative and she was very pleasant. She did not charge us.


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