Need specific lawyer--- ASAP

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Nov 2, 2010.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    I will try to make this concise. Bear with me. We adopted our daughter back in 1999. We never readopted her in the state of NC. We have never ever once asked for government assistance or stipends of any sorts for any of our 7 children w/ special needs. I know others that receive such things(nothing wrong w/ that) but we chose not to. Well, apparently, now that my daughter will actually need SSI as an adult w/ a disability, we may have shot ourselves in the foot for not receiving assistance all along. Can't win for losing. Anyhow, our neurologist said we must apply for SSI before she turns 18 (at the end of December) or she will not qualify. Now, since she was never readopted in this state, she is ineligible for SSI no matter what. In other words, we have very, very little time to get her readopted AND applied for SSI. Well, to top things off, we recently learned that the process to readopt in this state actually has a waiting period (this does not happen in most other states I learned) of 60 to 90 days. Meaning, even IF we apply tomorrow, it still will NOT make the cut off time in order to apply for the SSI. There are waiver clauses in here but most of it is legal mumble jumble. We need a lawyer who may be able to expedite this process. Otherwise, we will have cost her part of her income for the rest of her life. I'm really feeling like I'm kicked in the gut right now. Thought by us supporting our own children, meeting ALL medical costs (we have excellent insurance) of theirs, and meeting all their needs w/out any government support was the right thing for us and our children. Now, by doing this, it may have inadvertently affected my child's future. So, any insights, please, please let me know. I need someone both competent in adoption cases AND SSI process for adults. thanks in advance.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. grandma4

    grandma4 Well-Known Member

    you may need a gov. representative to assist. (they do help sometimes)
    it sucks when you try to live right and the government policies force you to play the assistance game. but because this is caused by gov. regulation that's who you may need to help you get passed it. good luck.
  3. shar824

    shar824 Well-Known Member

    Hi Stephanie,

    I would check here, this is the NC State Bar

    their number is 828-4620, they maybe able to point you in the right direction
  4. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Never thought of that, thanks for the tip. Now I know all these years why everyone always thought we recieved money for the kids. Umm, NOPE! Not dime! And, we wanted it that way. Our kids, our responsibility, etc. Was it tough? Absolutely. The copays, therapies, meds, etc. were more than quite a few house payments over the years. LOL. But, we did it w/out help & were proud that we took that route. No regrets. Yet, if it has now cost my daughter her basic needs as an adult, then I would regret it. Got to be a better way to make the "system" work. Oh well. Thanks again for the tip & you may be right. I'm learning a lot over the last 24 hours. We are going there in person tomorrow and taking it from there. Thanks for all the help everyone on here & privately. I've learned a lot I did not know. They do not like giving SSI as an adult unless that adult has been receiving SSI all along as a child whether they needed it or not. As in our case.

    Stephanie-- mom to 7
  5. DMJmom

    DMJmom Well-Known Member

    On a side note Stephanie - What was your son for Halloween? My son had suggested Knight Rider to him in school and he said he thought he was gonna do that. Just wondering....:lol:

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