I have searched the classifieds here and on Craigslist, and am waiting to hear back from a few. But in the meantime, does anyone know of any rentals in the Cleveland area that would take a short term lease? We only need it 3-5 months while our house is being built. We will be ready to move in b mid-June. It needs to be in Cleveland area for schools - Clayton, Willow Springs, etc won't work. Thanks!!
I don't have any idea what lease terms they would be willing to accept, but there are 2 lovely homes on Great Oak Drive in Twisted Oaks off Josephine Road that are for rent currently. All Cleveland schools. Good luck.
Have you tried that rental management office across from the Clayton City Hall? They rent homes throughout Johnston County, they are now handling our home. I know they can be somewhat flexible with the homeowners and renters, as we were with our renters.
If you mean Fox Rentals, they won't do anything shorter than 12 months. I'm no aware of any other companies, but I never go into Clayton either to know for sure. I will check out the ones on Josephine, thanks. Time is ticking, only 24 more days!
There is also a house for rent on Smith Rd.,between 210 and Polenta Rd. but I don't know if they would do short term.
Thanks Annette, but I think that's a little out of the way for us. My problem is being able to get all my kids to school if I'm not in the area/district. And we also don't want to be far from where we're building (my husband's company keeps him busy, so we need to be fairly close), plus a couple other issues. But I do appreciate it, keep the ideas coming!
Seems to me that I saw a sign in the area of Lee Road & Ranch Road for a house for rent. Residential Rentals in Clayton has the rental (that's the company that Hugh was referring to, I believe). I thought the sign was on the corner of Lee & Majestic (just opposite Ranch), but I don't see anything listed on the website (maybe they just haven't posted it. There's one available in the next subdivision on their website - http://public.rpl.herorentals.com/RPL/detail/display.mvc?prid=NC010121 - says 12 month lease, but maybe they'd be flexible.
Don't know any, just a suggestion... Since it's such a short rental, you might want to focus on "corporate" rentals. These are leases meant for out of area workers who come in to work for local companies for a few months.
There's a house for rent in Hunting Ridge Subdivision (Raleigh Road) on Hunting Lodge Road. I saw the sign but can't remember what company has it. Good luck!
I'm actually referring to next school year, we need the rental until October or November. I sidn't know about the other rental company, will check into that, thanks! And how would I find out about corporate housing? Is there any in this area?
Try http://www.corporatehousing.com/default.asp You can also Google it (corporate housing) for the area you'd like.