Apparently they're looking for land for another high school, supposedly in the "Cleveland" area. Any word on where it will be? I think the report I saw stated that the money was already there for land purchase, & the construction money would have to come from future bond refurendum pending its approval.
I read a reference somewhere that it would be land at either the SW or SE corner of 42 and Cornwallis/White Oak intersection, but I'm not entirely sure.
Last I saw they were looking in the 210 area towards Angier. No there is no money for the construction. They want to have another Bond ref. in May for around 99mill. They don not even have teachers to fulfill all the positions in the schools right now that are available to us.
I heard from the Elections Office (In Smithfield) that there would be a School Bond ($$$) vote in MAY. I am not sure if a date has been set but it will be a Tuesday in MAY. Maybe May 15th?? Get ready to VOTE.
how about attending one of the planning board meetings scheduled for the january 23 and 30 6pm to 8 pm old courthouse smithfield discussion related to article link county growth control? manage? or leave as is?