New Registry

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Rockwell, Apr 23, 2007.

  1. Rockwell

    Rockwell Well-Known Member

    For whom ever is interested, there is a new NC Sex Offender Regisrty that allows you to sign up for email notifications of when a sex offender moves into you neighborhood.
  2. Strawbaleman

    Strawbaleman Well-Known Member

    Good job, Rockwell

    As the Security Team Leader for my church, I've just sent this info out to all the members on our ENews list.

    Appreciate the heads up.

  3. tawiii

    tawiii Guest

    Security team?
  4. Strawbaleman

    Strawbaleman Well-Known Member

    tawiii: 10-4, Security Team.

    A group of about 15 or so men who make sure the Church, Family Life Center, and Community House are secure and locked each night. Cut off any lights that got left on, copiers, electronic equip, etc.

    But basically it's an old-fashioned fire and security check.


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