New restaraunt coming to White Oak

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Harvey, Sep 4, 2014.

  1. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Looks like we'll be getting one of these:

    I think this may be somewhat old news as I recall seeing something about an Olive Garden. Would much prefer a Yard House.
  2. silverdevil

    silverdevil Active Member

    I bet it's Olive Garden. It was rumored to be coming to White Oak.

    I've only been to the Yard House once and really enjoyed it.
  3. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    Yard House is on the expensive side, I don't think Garner/Clayton have the demographics to support one. The one at North Hills in Raleigh seems to do okay, but that is whole other demographic up there.
  4. silverdevil

    silverdevil Active Member

    I was at the Cary Red Lobster over the weekend. I asked the manager if he had heard if Red Lobster was coming to White Oak. He said that he hasn't heard anything.
  5. CraigSPL

    CraigSPL Well-Known Member

    I wouldn't expect to see a Crap Lobster open at White Oak. The Demographic for the area wouldn't really support it, because honestly if I'm spending $30 for a single dinner it sure isn't going to be there and don't imagine too many other people in this area will either.
  6. gcoats3

    gcoats3 Well-Known Member

    Also Captain Stanley's right up the road and much better seafood!
  7. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Amen brotha!
  8. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Captain Stanley's is "good"?? I must not be ordering the right thing then because it's all been just blah fried or broiled seafood without much in the way of seasoning. Been a couple a couple times and it was.........non-descript.
  9. ImTheNormal0ne

    ImTheNormal0ne Well-Known Member

    all in what you want i guess cause i love it. i dont care for red l;obster to me they are blah just aint fried thats all
  10. Wraunch

    Wraunch Well-Known Member

    I grew up going to Captain Stanleys. We went back in June for my mom's birthday and it was awful. The place was empty for dinner, the food was bland, tasted freezer burnt and the service was very poor. I know they have changed owners a few times but it is a far cry from what I remember. I'll save my money and just go to the Seafood restaurant at the farmer's market when I need a fried seafood platter from now on.
  11. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    From what I understand the old owners have bought it back now. We ate with them last month and it was as good as it's ever been.
  12. tassy

    tassy Well-Known Member

    I definitely am not a Red Lobster fan, and don't like Captain Stanleys because as you said... fried and broiled flavorless... yuck! But.. that still is like comparing apples and potatoes!
  13. DontCareHowYouDoItInNY

    DontCareHowYouDoItInNY Well-Known Member

    I haven't been to Captain Stanleys since back when they still had a smoking section. Like most older restaurants, there wasn't much real estate between smoking and non-smoking and it got to where it wasn't worth hacking through my meal.

    As I recall, it was more like Mayflower than Red Lobster. I would have a tough time comparing the two. The only similarity was that most of the food they serve came from the ocean.
  14. Harvey

    Harvey Well-Known Member

    Debating whether you prefer Red Lobster versus a Captain Stanley is like wondering if you would rather eat a crap sandwich or kitty litter.
  15. molly2008

    molly2008 Well-Known Member

    Who is debating? Must have missed a post where anyone thought RL was acceptable for seafood................

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