Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by myhubbyswife, May 21, 2014.

  1. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    I'm opening a new hair salon called "Just Teasing" on Cleveland School rd (across from C3 Church) previously it was a barber shop. I'm hoping to open by the end of the month. I've remodeled the inside and am interested in adding a nail tech once I get settled in. However, I've entertained the thought of an esthetician also. If your a skincare junkie like myself you'll love that I have different reps from different lines such as Mary Kaye Cosmetics and Hydropeptide to name a few. Who are willing to deliver products as I request them. I do this now in my Cary salon and its been a big hit. This way there's no pressure to buy anything you don't want and it saves time. What would you rather see? Nail tech or esthetician for skincare.I'm toying with the idea of going with Aveda also. I'm interested in your opinion because its YOU I want to please.:)
  2. cynadon

    cynadon Well-Known Member

    can you buzz cut a #2 for $10?
  3. Cleopatra

    Cleopatra Well-Known Member

    If you want to please 4042 patrons, you will PURCHASE advertising instead of mucking up the forum with free advertising.

    Just Teasing!!! Not.
  4. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    I'm sorry Cleopatra.. I thought this was a discussion forum? If you take time to read my post thoroughly you will see I was asking for input as well as announcing our opening. Not that it's any of your business but I WAS looking into the advertising packages. However, you just changed my mind about that. Sorry I wasn't fast enough for you. I was warned before posting here that there were rude people as yourself but decided not to judge on someone else's opinion. Guess I should've listened. I'am not "mucking" up anything. They can thank you for costing them an advertisement. Hope you have a better day.
  5. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    I don't get this "myhubbyswife". Is Cleopatra a employee of If not, why change your mind on advertising on because of the opinion of one poster?
    Good luck in your new business.
  6. Lucky1

    Lucky1 Well-Known Member

    LOL...apparently not. :boxing::boxing: Good luck with the new business. 8)
  7. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    So is this the place that is next door to that hooker?
  8. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    This is so funny. If you don't understand myhubbyswife I bet you really don't get some of the other user names. I was on this board a number of years ago. What I saw was nothing but a bunch of adults with nothing better to do than pick apart someones post. Really? Silly me to think that had changed. Volunteer, spend time with your family,read...Do something constructive and stop criticizing a post for heavens sake. :chillpill: The opinions of anyone other than my clients matter not to me. There are more people who will use this as a positive than those of you who don't. Seems the same ones have been at it for years so I doubt it changes. Life is short. I feel sorry for you and hope you can find the words to bring others up instead of tearing them down in the future. I would never advertise on here now for the simple reason it seems Cleopatra has a personal interest in me doing so. I'm sure she's cost them more business than just me with her immaturity. I don't need to advertise that bad. Have a safe and awesome Memorial Day :cheers::hurray:
  9. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    Mmmm..... I wouldn't know about a hooker. Sorry. Another negative poster I see. I don't inquire about those things. Do you want to know for personal reasons or just being nosey? We ARE across the street from the church and next to a family who have been here for generations.
  10. Hught

    Hught Well-Known Member

    Hey cut her some slack! It looks like Madison is trying to go ligit, and cardboard signs always worked for her in the past!
  11. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

    + 1
  12. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    Good Lord now were talking about hookers? This website really IS a trip.:-D
    Oh well.....Come let me make you look pretty then go see a hooker and on your way home stop by the Church. :hurray: Thanks for the support and positive posts !! You guys rock.:cheers:
  13. PoohBear

    PoohBear Well-Known Member

  14. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    Actually I do remember something about that too. Totally forgot though. Yeah... I dont know what to think. I don't listen to alot people say and only half of what I see. Things can be so misconstrued. Its pretty crazy that the sheriff's dept. would allow this to happen since shes so public about it. Dont you think?
  15. poppin cork

    poppin cork Well-Known Member

    Not any more strange than webby not removing your free advertising post. Deadbeat
  16. Rockyv58

    Rockyv58 Well-Known Member

    Last edited: May 24, 2014
  17. kaci

    kaci Well-Known Member

    Maybe i am seeing this differently than most of you that have posted, but i read the post as a new business looking for info on what the community is looking for in regards to her business, i personally didn't see anything wrong with her post and obviously Webbie didn't either or he would have removed it.
  18. myhubbyswife

    myhubbyswife Guest

    Unbelievable. You few sick individuals ruin this website. They make medications for people of your nature. You should take them. I will NEVER post or comment on this site again. EVER. I'm embarrassed to be affiliated with I had no idea my 'one' simple little post about us opening another salon would enrage such demented minds. Hopefully none of you call yourself parents? To the previous idiot who commented about me trying to advertise for "free"? That never even crossed my mind. You are so clueless. Bet your single huh? What losers.:shock: Come out from behind the computer screen and get a life. Sad,sad,sad individuals .......:cry:
  19. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Hello,, welcome to Johnston county.. good luck.. let me know if you needing any shine for your customers while your working them over.
  20. BuzzMyMonkey

    BuzzMyMonkey Well-Known Member

    Boy oh boy.. this certainly done run off a cliff..

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