Next Cornwallis Bridge closing......

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Salvation, Oct 8, 2013.

  1. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    To all of you who do not believe the 'Road Closed' signs are accurate.........I would personally like to thank you for the entertainment today. I have watched vehicle after vehicle buzz by.....only to see them about 2 minutes later. If I was spiteful I'd stand in my yard and hold a sign that says, "Here's Your Sign" when you drive back by.
  2. jesse82nc

    jesse82nc Well-Known Member

    There's several posts about it already
  3. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    I realize a couple of people mentioned.......

    However, the fact that a few people have already mentioned it makes this even better.......yet again this morning I have watched several cars pass all of the road closed signs only to get to the bridge and realize they can't go through.

    While it is entertaining for me personally......I think we are seeing symptoms of our society........and we wonder why our kids look right into the eyes of an authority figure who says 'No'.....and they do it anyway.

    I suspect because their parents are the ones that drive past a couple of miles worth of signs and still try to drive on a 'closed road'.

    The road being closed is a pain for us all but at least we have other roads. I remember when a lot of these roads were dirt around here.

    Oh well.........I better go, here comes another car speeding past the barrage of signs. It's gonna be a good day. :)
  4. C me Now BMM

    C me Now BMM Well-Known Member

    Probably the typical democrat with their feelings of entitlements to pass thru...
  5. bandmom

    bandmom Well-Known Member

  6. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    Do we know when it's scheduled to be finished? :banghead:
  7. bosoxfan

    bosoxfan Well-Known Member

    According to a post on another thread, DOT says 105 days - so it sounds like sometime around the end of January.
  8. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    Lovely. Thanks for the info Bosox!:)
  9. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Yes......105 days from the start........
  10. Salvation

    Salvation Well-Known Member

    Also.........just as a fun update. We walked down to the bridge today so we could look at the progress. We saw 4 cars driving full speed (past 1 mile of 'Road Closed' signs) and almost not make the stop before hitting the final 'bridge closed signs'.
    I wish I was making this stuff up......and then one poor lady could not get her truck turned around. One after the other - cars nearly driving into the final barriers before they could stop.
    I am at a loss for words. I may go down tomorrow or one afternoon next week and video some of this and post it on YouTube.
  11. jlc007

    jlc007 Well-Known Member

    That is hilarious....let's all bring chairs and have a 4042 get together and watch all the idiots!!!:cheers:

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