I didn't read the link... but GOOD!!! :twisted: He should spend some time in jail along with that ... (nicely put as not to get banned) "stripper".
Nifong's office "refers or takes the case" to the grand jury. What took place in the Grand Jury room? By statute, only the witnesses can be present in the grand jury room. Neither the prosecutor or the defense attorneys can be in the room. The only clue as to what took place is the true bill of indictment, which is signed by the grand jury Foreman. The bills of indictment state that the only witnesses before the Durham County Grand Jury were Sergeant Gottlieb and Officer Himan.
I actually know at least two people who Nifong's office railroaded into dirty plea deals, effectively avoiding a trial for fear of "escalation of charges" that would guarantee a far longer sentence. That's the name of the game in Durham: try to plea it out no matter how dirty your pool game must be played to do it.
The Clerk of Superior Court of Cumberland County has a nice orientation for people who have been called for grand jury duty. It explains in laymen's terms how the whole system works.