Nintendo Wii Repair

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by pcgeek, May 13, 2011.

  1. pcgeek

    pcgeek Active Member

    Hello. Need recomendations for Nintendo Wii Repair. The laser has gone bad and needs to be replaced. Any help would be appreciated.
  2. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    it's in Raleigh, but this is the place I have used for Xbox 360 twice....the guy knows his stuff. He'll tell you the cost up front before doing the work.
  3. firefly69

    firefly69 Guest

    We sent ours back to Nintendo. Took a couple of weeks and cost was about $75. No further issues with it after repair and they offered a new warranty with it.
  4. wreckinstuff

    wreckinstuff Well-Known Member

    ours is acting up too. disk reader error.
  5. ncroxx

    ncroxx Well-Known Member

    I,along with previous poster,sent mine into Nintendo. Turns out it had a extended warranty for repair because it was a problem that was common. Had it back about 6 months and dont think it has been turned on since!
  6. pcgeek

    pcgeek Active Member

    I called Nintendo and they will not do anything for me. Thank you for all of your help.
  7. KellBell

    KellBell Well-Known Member

    I sent my xbox back when it happened the first time at no cost, the 2nd time they wanted to charge me $90...I got it fixed at the place I suggested above $49.

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