So I am considering a new SUV. Currently have a Highlander and have always been happy but they are ridiculously priced now. Anyone have a newer CRV or Rouge that can give any feedback. I am a little nervous about dropping down to a 4-cylinder from a 6. I am also considering the Mitsubishi Outlander V6 if anyone has any feeback.
One of the girls here at work just recently bought an Outlander and loves it to death. previously she had a loaded Town and Country mini van and is glad that she got the Outlander instead of another mini van. Craig
You have a little one right? Is he out of a carseat. I have heard with the Outlanders that they are very difficult to use carseats in.
We bought a Rogue about 6 months ago and love it. Loads of room for the passengers in the back, good gas mileage and overall very happy with it.
Yeah he is in a booster now but not a carseat. that was good you remembered that!!!! Grinder - any issued with the CVT transmission lacking in power or rough shifting? There have been a couple write-ups about that. Also, is the power of the 4-cylinder sufficent? problem with the transmission. In fact, that CVT is just freaky as all get out because my whole life, when a car goes from gear to gear you always had that jerk and with the wait and wait and wait for it but it never comes. Very smooth. As far as i wasnt breaking bad with it on Hwy 40 seeing what it could do in the quarter mile, but it carry's 4 adults just fine and without any noticeable lack of power. We have the S model...which is the base model really, smallest engine and it rolls just fine.
Got two little ones of my own so I am always thinking of the fellow parent things!! :lol: No..a friend of mine has one and they have a 1 year old in a carseat and she HATES it with a passion cause there isn't enough room behind the driver seat for the carseat and the passenger seat has to be all the way up for it to fit in. If you are seriously thinking of one, take little one's booster seat with you.