North Johnston High Recognizes Bus Drivers

Discussion in 'Johnston County School News' started by Webmaster, Feb 23, 2004.

  1. Webmaster

    Webmaster Administrator

    North Johnston High Recognizes Bus Drivers

    KENLY-- North Johnston High is pleased to announce that Annie Bradberry has been chosen as the school's 2003-2004 Bus Driver of the Year. Bradberry, who also serves as the media assistant and a custodian at the school, will represent North Johnston in the annual bus "roadeo" to be held later this spring.

    The 2003-04 Substitute Driver of the Year is Johnny Price, a custodian new to North Johnston this year.

    "Both Mrs. Bradberry and Mr. Price are most deserving of this honor," said Ross Renfrow, Principal of North Johnston High School. Plaques honoring these two individuals will be placed in the front office area.

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