OCS-- parents??

Discussion in 'Discussion Group' started by Abdulina, Oct 21, 2010.

  1. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Was wondering if anyone on here has children that have completed the OCS program at the high schools in Johnston county? If so, I'd love to speak to you. Need other input to make sure this is the way this program truly works. Thanks.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  2. blackbearz

    blackbearz Well-Known Member

    I don't personally have a child in the OCS program, but I do know that students who are recommended for this program are VERY low performing students.
    My personal feeling is that if your child has been recommeded that it is at least an opportunity for that child to feel some success in the classroom.
    Some students have such a need for a small setting and slower pace....that they just won't get in a regular classroom. The regular curriculum is way over the heads of OCS students, that often times those kids give up.

    Just my 2 cent. Hope it helps in your descision making process.
  3. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    Thanks, but she's not low functioning or low performing. Not to the life skills extent. She is however, lower than her average peers & that is how she was put in the program. However, after experiencing this program for a few months now, I have GRAVE concerns about it. Won't get into it on here as school admins are on these boards as well. I just wanted input from other parents who've gone down this path. I would feel differently if they actually put the kids in a smaller setting but under new state laws, they no longer do. It is all inclusion w/ regular ed & they are pretty much singled out. There's no slower pace or smaller settnig so no benefit. Just modified grades which help no one. We have a big meeting coming up but I'm having trouble finding someone who's been down this road w/ their kids. Thanks for the thoughts. Some days, I hate being a parent who has to make decisions. It's tough. Anyone who has a child that is either in this program or been through this program, can you please contact me. Want to make sure I'm seeing the whole picture of what this is about & not jumping to conclusions. Thanks again.

    Stephanie--mom to 7
  4. PirateGirl

    PirateGirl Well-Known Member

    If inclusion is done correctly, the kids are not singled out. The inclusion teacher is supposed to help all of the students who are struggling, not just those in the EC program. Hope this helps!
  5. Abdulina

    Abdulina Well-Known Member

    It's "supposed" to work this way but it's not so far. They are even taking them out of the room for extra help. Everyone knows that these are not the "regular ed" students. And, you have to know how this feels to these students who are in their high school teen years. I'm having a really hard time w/ all this in the schools now & have given it a few months hoping things would change. I've spoken to quite a few other EC parents along the way and they are all in agreement. Just we're all stuck on how to change it as it is at the state level where the changes occurred. We'll get there. Thanks for the input though.

    stephanie-- mom to 7

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