personally i believe this would be great for cleveland community. too bad not incorporated to take advantage.
My question is why is the county not accepting this? The way I am reading it, they are making a mess of accepting it.
Maybe they ought to give the land to CAA. CAA needs ball fields. JoCo has no parks and rec division. If the county spends money for one community, why not every community that holds their hand out. I'm for it and I live closer than most of you. I'm just concerned where the $$$ comes from. Why not spend the $$$ in southern JoCo next time? The lady offering the land said she wants a community park for all, not just ball fields. But I'd bet that sentiment ain't chiseled in stone, since it's a tax write off in the end. Main concern is who pays for what?
Sounds like she is looking for someone to build the park so that her subdivision will have a nice amenity at no cost to her. I might be wrong about that, but it seems suspicious. I doubt she will let them build ball fields on it because she really wants it to be a park for the neighborhood she is planning to build.
Is she the builder? If she's not it wouldn't matter to her if they sell the houses or not. She sold the land, right?
Duke Energy is going to be building a substation near that intersection. I'd guess she wants to unload it since she won't be able to sell it.
She hasn't sold it yet. Probably would increase the value if you are building a subdivision across from the only park in the area.
This would be a great for the community. This would be a great place to exercise, run, just take your children out for a bike ride or picnic or like Rocky said "a dog park" I agree it shouldn't have anymore ball fields because not every family can use the ballfield whenever they want and the added cost of field maintenance and lights. No matter what type of park it will cost the county money. If the county approves it then it should be a park for everyone and not a select few. I think the landowner thinking in the right direction.
I vote for park and/or ball fields because this will be the most benefit to the most people, but this requires money that JoCo won't allocate or doesn't have because 'low taxes' beats all. At some point the county is going to have to put it's big-boy pants on and realize this amount of people will require infrastructure and amenities and that costs money.
I'm in favor for it IF they do work on the intersection. It needs a light and turn lanes added if they put a park at it. Then again I have never seen a park at a intersection for the simple fact it can be dangerous.
Since the original link no longer works - And here is the location -!3m4!1s0x0:0x0!8m2!3d35.555428!4d-78.522686