that poor cat looks like it's thinking.... You b--My Friend, I'll s**t in your shoes when you go to bed. :lol:
And that is reason #1 why I don't have a cat. But I do have a dog burying chicken breast in my yard! 8):lol:
^ :lol::lol: I'm preparing for a visit from "the Aunt"... all brain cells aren't firing properly right now.
:iagree: Roommate had a cat named Arthur who I did not get along real well with. I inadvertently got the cat wired on Beetle Nuts one day and every time I would sit down somewhere he would attack my head from behind. I ended up taking one of those flyswatter guns to him. For the next 6 months everytime I saw him I got that same look! P.S. Beetle Nuts have nothing to do with an insect, technically illegal to import into the United States, at least at the time because of the amphetamine properties. Used them in Chicken Curry but you had to break them in a vice or with a hammer which meant that pieces flew everywhere, the cat would bat them around like they were hockey pucks.
Yep, it looks like they are not a controlled substance in the whole nut form, also explains why I don't have tapeworm issues. Hey folks they make great Cat toys, just don't invite me over till the cat winds down.