but this doesn't sound good. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,388202,00.html RE: Missing toddler investigation is focusing on the mom's car. Similar hairs found and there supposedly was dirt and the smell of decomposition. :cry:
What a beautiful girl? How can anyone look at those eyes and kill her (if that truly happened) I am just tired of hearing about children being kidnapped, being killed, being raped.....its f**ked up.....SORRY WEBBIE
http://www.myfoxorlando.com/myfox/M....jsp?contentId=7061306&version=1&locale=EN-US :cry: I think anyone with half a brain could tell the difference between the smell of a rotting body and rotting pizza. :roll:
another little one is probably dead at the hands of her own mother....just send the mom to to He!! and be done with it. What is wrong with these people???!!!!!???
This is sooo sad! OMG! How can someone do that. And then her mother didn't know where she was at, COME ON PEOPLE!!!!:cry: