Folks, Don't recall if I told you, but after our Christmas-New Years cruise, a young man from a family we met pre-cruise was murdered. He spent most of his time at karaoke, even appearing in the guest singer show. He was gracious, such that, with our DD wanting to sing but letting her nervousness override her, Joe had members of the audience to come up on stage and serve as DD's backup, so we all sang together. It was a precious gift from a good man to a young lady, who had no way of repaying it. Obviously, his family was going thru a major thing. His father had to report, post cruise, for duty in Iraq. That was delayed for compassionate reasons for two weeks, at which point he had to report, leaving Mom and other kids to deal with the tragedy. We worried about the family and for the family. We exchanged emails with them, all the time feeling that our words, in spite of our hopes, came across as empty and disjointed, rendering no sympathy. Today, I got this email from Mom. Thanks for letting me share it. ............................................................ Dear XXXX and XXXX, I am happy to report that I am now into my second in a row, good day. It feels so good to breathe without the pain of loss. It was a long time coming, and to be honest, I didn't think I would ever get here, or want to. Our message of the day reminds me of one of my darkest hours. I wondered if it had been worth it, to have Joe, only to loose him like this. I wondered if not having him would have been easier. Of course I am who I am because of my kids. I wanted to be a mother all my life. I once told my preacher (I was about 8 or 9) that all I wanted was babies when I grew up. He said of course you want a husband too, and I said no I don't need one of those, just babies. lol Joe was worth every smile, and tear I ever had. He was such a wonderful young man, who loved and was loved by all. He must be happy to see that his mom has slowed the tears for now. He almost sees the mom he left behind. Message for the day: The risks of loving are worth taking, even the risk of loss.
Words sometimes fit the day... Whenever we have a "rough" day or have hit a "dry patch" in our lives, let this be a reminder that we are only given one life, one chance, and one moment to explore, experience and adore what we are given-if only for that moment. Tears of sadness shall become tears of joy-whether it's from a graduation, wedding, or such. Beauty is boundless. Tear drops are the mists of memories past that are there to kiss our cheeks once more. I will not forget this family in my thoughts and prayers and thank you dearly for sharing this tenderness with everyone (and myself personally). Hope and love will bring happiness once more, and tomorrow is always a new day to look forward to and one to look back on yesterday.