Hello! Our cat, Milo, must have gotten out of the house Monday night. He is no where to be found. I have reported him missing to Wake and Johnston Co. Just in case you may see him... Lost out in Fairground Point Subdivision off of Old Fairground Rd. Milo 14 lb domestic short hair gray/black tiger tabby 10 yrs old neutered male red collar bare belly (no fur from allergy) $ REWARD 919-306-3867
Hmmm...There's been a cat hanging out in front of my house in Chadbourne for about 3 days now. My son (8 yo) has "adopted" it, thinking it's a stray. He brought it in this morning because he thought it was cold and gave it some water. I didn't have cat food and wasn't sure what to feed it, but told him if it was there when he got home from school he could bring it in and we would feed it something, as he's very worried about it! It is black and brown, but no collar and I'm not sure about the belly, I haven't looked at it closely but he has. I'm not sure where your s/d is, but I know it can't be too awefully close to mine, but stranger things have happened. PM me if you want more details. It probably wouldn't hurt for you to drive my neighborhood if you think this might be your cat. I can tell you this cat is VERY friendly and tame, it was inside for an hour this morning and my 3 kids were playing with it and loving it, and he was very gentle, but shy. didn't play, but wasn't mean at all. My son will be devastated if he can't keep it, but I've been explaining to him that I thought it probably was someone's since we haven't seen it before, and since it is so tame, and that we would have to give it back if it did belong to someone...